@Kraken de Seattle

Nuit historique à Seattle gâchée par l’arrivée des meilleurs Avs | Kraken R&R

Réaction des fans de Seattle Kraken à la première éliminatoire à domicile et dans l’histoire de la franchise et premier match éliminatoire de la Coupe Stanley à Seattle en 99 ans. Malheureusement, ils perdent contre l’Avalanche du Colorado. Suivez-moi sur Twitter si vous le souhaitez : https://twitter.com/ScottBrenden Ou Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cheapseatssc/


  1. So far no hate towards the Kraken more respect for the series not going the way of the mild fallas series or Toronto Tampa Bay. I'm sure you had rather the kraken score six but a ten goal game to kick things off at climate pledge had to be exciting.

  2. Despite how it ended, that game was so incredibly fun to be at. The cheering from the croud after that second goal in the 2nd period was just incredible! Never been part of a louder crowd. I wish they could have won but I was just thankful they made it to the playoffs so I could be there. Also thanks for all great playoff commentary!

  3. I listened, not having TBS, TNT or ESPN. The fans sounded amazing. Glad you got to go. What a horrible time for the AVs to have more opportunities than they need. Disappointed, but by no means disheartened. GO KRAKEN!

  4. Definitely after the 2 goals in 2nd it sounded wild as all hell! As an Avs fan i was happy we got to intermission with no further damage, felt like something would give!

  5. That tie up was one of the most exciting moments of my life. My house shook with us all screaming and jumping 😂

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