@Wild du Minnesota

4/23 Game 4 Conférence de presse d’avant-match contre Dallas

Préparez-vous pour le match 4 contre Dallas à St. Paul. Écoutez Dean Evason et l’équipe sur le podium d’avant-match. #mnwild x #GritFirst


  1. This is the Boot on the throat game, They need to put the nail in the coffin today! Go Wild!!!

  2. I love everything about Dean except his playing Fleury. Gus better fuckin start tonight.

  3. Lets get win number 3! Play the same as last game and this series is over. We win!

  4. Your crowd is NOT “fantastic”, Coach Evason! From my out of-state vantage point—and from one who closely follows your organization—it’s quite the contrary!

    Instead of being supportive and encouraging to all the players, a great many of your “crowd” are on social media and elsewhere unmercifully bashing Marc-Andre for his performance. They say he’s all washed up, should never be allowed to start again, should go, etc. They insult you and your GM, as well, claiming that you have some kind of secret loyalty to Flower that clouds your judgment about when/if he should play. It’s absurd!

    They seem to have no concept that one player—as you alluded to recently—does not make a loss or a win. They seem to not understand—or ignore—your very words that Flower was NOT the cause of the game #2 loss—that it was instead due to constant errors, multiple penalties, a lack of defense, failure to stop odd man rushes, and failure to protect their net.

    I wish both you and Bill would address this publicly because such negative, destructive talk needs to STOP. If people are TRUE, loyal fans of the MN Wild, they need to get behind their team, including ALL players and ALL games, win or lose.

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