@Wild du Minnesota

Devinez le résultat de ce jeu. Si vous avez deviné que Marchment serait appelé pour une contre-vérification à la tête, vous vous trompez. Si vous avez deviné que Foligno se verrait attribuer un appel TRIPPING, alors félicitations ! Le but résultant de cet appel a gagné le jeu btw :)

Devinez le résultat de ce jeu. Si vous avez deviné que Marchment serait appelé pour une contre-vérification à la tête, vous vous trompez. Si vous avez deviné que Foligno se verrait attribuer un appel TRIPPING, alors félicitations ! Le but résultant de cet appel a gagné le jeu btw 🙂



  1. ScubbaSteveOO

    The year the wild get a hard hitting playoff type roster is the year legal hits start getting called penalties. Also, a trip from their player tripping over his body after a high stick to the face. What the hell? 😂

  2. Absolutely ridiculous call, the refs should have to give post game interviews, I’d love to see them explain this one!

  3. MiloGoesToTheFatFarm

    Gary Bettman: make sure the stars win… that’s right, whatever it takes.

  4. Foxhockey

    Did his stick actually make contact with his head

  5. Lazy_Glass_3292

    This was a dreadful call. He has him lined up and then Marchment tries to dodge it and catches his head. No way there should’ve been a penalty on Foligno

  6. PeskyBirb666

    The Refs were the stars of the game, and you know what we say here ~~Duck~~ the Stars!

  7. boardin1

    I mentioned this play in the r/hockey thread and a shining beacon of intelligence pointed out that he “barely grazed his head”. So I won’t and looked it up. Turns out, he’s right…

    >Rule 59 – Cross-checking

    >59.1 Cross-checking – The action of using the shaft of the stick between
    the two hands to forcefully check an opponent.

    >59.2 Minor Penalty – A minor penalty, at the discretion of the Referee
    based on the severity of the contact, shall be imposed on a player
    who “cross checks” an opponent.

    >59.3 Major Penalty – A major penalty, at the discretion of the Referee
    based on the severity of the contact, shall be imposed on a player
    who “cross checks” an opponent (see 59.5).

    >59.4 Match Penalty – The Referee, at his discretion, may assess a match
    penalty if, in his judgment, the player attempted to or deliberately
    injured his opponent by cross-checking.

    >59.5 Game Misconduct Penalty – When a major penalty is assessed for
    cross-checking, an automatic game misconduct penalty shall be
    imposed on the offending player.

    >59.6 Fines and Suspensions – When a major penalty is imposed under
    this rule, an automatic fine of one hundred dollars ($100) shall also be imposed.
    If deemed appropriate, supplementary discipline can be applied by the Commissioner at his discretion (refer to Rule 28).

    >59.7 Barely a cross check – if a Dallas player only lightly grazes the head of an opponent, that opponent shall be assessed a minor penalty.

    Who fucking knew?

  8. StayinHasty

    As a neutral party rooting for the Wild, Foligno was completely out of control on that play. Marchment didn’t cross check him, Foligno hit Marchmnet’s stick with his face as he launched himself into the boards. I don’t know where the tripping call came from. I think the ref was going to call roughing/charging if Marchment hadn’t avoided the hit, so he had to apply something.

  9. Practical_Produce152

    Dallas divers page is a good read if you want to reassure your self that they are All mostly inbred troglodytes

  10. brendanjered

    I thought that should have been a 5 minute major against Marchment for intentional contact to the head. I was absolutely dumbfounded when Foligno was shown going to the box.

  11. rickroy37

    Personally I believe it was a good call on Foligno, but it should have been called as kneeing instead of tripping.

  12. ljasonl

    If team personnel and players can’t criticize refs, then who is exempt? I noticed Wes Walz initially was critical of bad calls during a break but then backed off and refused to say anything later. It’s really a bunch of BS that refs can go on with life thinking they called a good game when to everyone else they sucked ass……who holds them accountable?

  13. angiezieglerstye

    Man the stars have had so many ref assisted goals they may aswell give the ref a jersey.

  14. xochichi3

    Sure but I’m more disappointed by the missed passes and missed shots. Feel like that’s why we lost. Our PP was not good

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