@Capitals de Washington

Votre résumé hebdomadaire / r / caps pour la semaine du 17 avril au 23 avril

**Lundi 17 avril – Dimanche 23 avril** ###Questions / Discussions | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 28 | [11 comments](/r/caps/comments/12vaa5u/the_best_save_of_the_year/) | `[Discussion]` Le meilleur arrêt de l’année | | 4 | [18 comments](/r/caps/comments/12py8u6/so_who_do_you_want_the_caps_to_draft_this/) | `[Discussion]` Alors, qui voulez-vous que les sélections reprennent cette intersaison? | | 0 | [9 comments](/r/caps/comments/12pzt7t/one_coach_left_needs_replaced/) | `[Discussion]` Un entraîneur restant doit être remplacé | | 0 | [1 comments](/r/caps/comments/12qaxtr/i_tried_the_tankathon_site_and_got_this_for_my/) | `[Question]` [I tried the tankathon site and got this for my first simulation – is this actually possible?](https://i.redd.it/clo4zgclpkua1.png)| | 0 | [34 comments](/r/caps/comments/12sy7s6/what_do_we_think_about_parting_ways_with/) | `[Discussion]` Qu’est-ce qu’on pense de se séparer de Laviolette? Qui pensez-vous que le CAPS devrait trouver pour le remplacer ? |   ###Meilleurs messages restants | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 412 | [130 comments](/r/caps/comments/12pvp85/capitals_and_assistant_coaches_kevin_mccarthy_and/) | `[Announcement]` [Capitals and Assistant Coaches Kevin McCarthy and Blaine Forsythe Agree to part ways.](https://www.nhl.com/capitals/news/capitals-and-assistant-coaches-kevin-mccarthy-and-blaine-forsythe-agree-to-part-ways/c-343617606?fbclid=IwAR1QCfXCWDdtw8yNPh7gzgrk3pXC15Oyz8YdA-uLsEzrxCWewFU4s5OzLK0 )| | 195 | [28 comments](/r/caps/comments/12veimh/semin_autographed_jersey_found_at_goodwill/) | Maillot dédicacé Semin trouvé chez goodwill !| | 182 | [7 comments](/r/caps/comments/12ror5b/got_a_shot_of_ovi_and_sergei_at_the_nats_game/) | `[Photo]` [Got a shot of Ovi and Sergei at the nats game last night](https://i.redd.it/ggue6mep1vua1.jpg)| | 176 | [15 comments](/r/caps/comments/12s3zkw/my_dudes_and_babes/) | `[Photo]` [My dudes and babes](https://imgur.com/wFin266.jpg)| | 138 | [12 comments](/r/caps/comments/12r5o97/ovi_and_vrana_hanging_out_together_at_nats_park/) | Ovi et Vrana traînent ensemble au Nats Park aujourd’hui | | 116 | [17 comments](/r/caps/comments/12ugoz4/my_new_jersey/) | `[Photo]` [My New Jersey!](https://i.redd.it/6xbq82ze6cva1.png)| | 77 | [5 comments](/r/caps/comments/12v597b/meet_wilson_who_is_all_caps/) | `[Photo]` Rencontrez Wilson qui est en majuscules.| | 77 | [23 comments](/r/caps/comments/12pvnn2/assistant_coach_scott_allen_goaltending_coach/) | [Assistant coach Scott Allen, goaltending coach Scott Murray, assistant coach/video Brett Leonhardt and video coordinator Emily Engel-Natzke will return to the team’s coaching staff next season.](https://twitter.com/Capitals/status/1648061308208594944)| | 72 | [9 comments](/r/caps/comments/12q6b3v/my_mom_bought_an_antique_chest_of_drawers_and/) | `[Photo]` [my mom bought an antique chest of drawers and this was inside! pretty good seats for $35 if the layout was the same in 2001](https://i.redd.it/fis9h64gwjua1.jpg)| | 68 | [7 comments](/r/caps/comments/12pvwt3/best_news_ive_heard_all_month/) | `[Photo]` [Best news I’ve heard all month](https://i.redd.it/2a84ipalrjua1.jpg)|  


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  1. subredditsummarybot

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