@Red Wings de Détroit

Nouvelle plaque d’immatriculation (Désolé, je vis dans l’Ohio)

Nouvelle plaque d’immatriculation (Désolé, je vis dans l’Ohio)



  1. Hey_Dinger

    TBH with the way our State is going Ohio isn’t looking that bad lol

  2. redditmodsaresods

    This is the only thing I have found to be decent, in Ohio. Keep being you.

  3. P_McCoates

    Ohio and a Wings fan too! 🙂

  4. laker9903

    Add me in to the Michigan ex-pats in Ohio. I love the plate.

  5. jkayne

    The first step is realizing the problem, second one; fixing it.

  6. FragmentEx

    This is basically just signaling “please don’t hurt me I’m really one of you” for when the Mega Toledo War kicks off

  7. ManicPixieOldMaid

    We’re sorry you live in Ohio, too. Sorry for *you*. 😃

  8. Yukari-Penninsula

    My girlfriend is from Ohio. It’s nice to know there are two good things from Ohio now

  9. Richman313

    I can send you some red and white tape to block out that little part of Ohio showing 🤣

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