@Golden Knights de Vegas

Jets vs Vegas Golden Knights Game 4 Analyse d’après-match – 24 avril 2023 | Jeu terminé : Winnipeg

Lyss & Brady accueillent Game Over: Winnipeg pour réagir et analyser le quatrième match de la série de premier tour des Jets de Winnipeg contre les Golden Knights de Vegas. Game Over collecte des fonds pour Alphabet Collective tout au long des séries éliminatoires, afin de soutenir la communauté LGBTQIA2S+. Faites un don ici : https://checkout.stripe.com/c/pay/cs_live_a1tMVRh5I8UDP9I6jFMUm5j71KYVjSqJO3nnLVuNmAaVixBzBvou09dmmd#fidkdWxOYHwnPyd1blppbHNgWjA0SGx3NmBJTn1qcDJNDMg5fVVExf2dDTzRDlVsb0 UEpRc1ZXVV1KR0Zxf2IwZ19AdExiR3N2VVdhbzxmX01DaWlJaV9PRkhvMmtjNTUxb3RhRmFiNCcpJ3VpbGtuQH11anZgYUxhJz8nMWJyPX9wZ1dMNkdqMWF0NmZmJ3gl . Achetez des produits Game Over : https://sdpnshop.ca/collections/game-over Découvrez SIA : https://sportsinteraction.com/sdpn Les personnes doivent être âgées de 19 ans ou plus pour ouvrir un compte Sports Interaction. Thermes et conditions d’application. Toute opinion exprimée n’est pas un conseil, une promesse ou une suggestion qui augmente les chances de gagner. Le jeu peut créer une dépendance, veuillez jouer de manière responsable. Pour en savoir plus, visitez : https://help.sportsinteraction.com/hc/en-us/articles/216779528-Responsible-Gaming-Self-Limitation-Self-Exclusion Ou si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant un problème de jeu, appelez ConnexOntario 1 -866-531-2600. Sports Interaction est assujetti à l’enregistrement AGCO réussi et à l’exécution d’un accord d’exploitation avec iGaming Ontario. Les iGames éligibles organisés et gérés par iGO ne sont disponibles que pour les personnes physiquement présentes dans la province de l’Ontario. Rejoignez le SDPN Discord : https://discord.com/invite/MtTmw9rrz7 Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. The way GI is suppose to be ruled is if the player initiates contact with the goaltender inside the crease that impedes the goalie from making a save then the goal is called off. Hellebuyck initiates the contact with Wild Bill with his pad while Wild Bill is outside of the crease there for goalie initiates contact there for it is a good goal. Karlsson is playing his position outside the crease as he should and there is nothing you can ask of the player to avoid that situation. Its just an unfortunate circumstance that the thigh rise of the pad catches Karlsson's leg. If you rewatch it for like the 5th time, Hellebuyck bites really hard on the pass thinking that it was a shot, drops down while moving himself forward into Karlsson (his glove makes contact with Karlsson's back). Then because he's now in his butterfly with no room because he's pretty close to being outside his crease he has to rotate and push himself over super late which is how his pad gets stuck. If he doesnt read that pass as a shot and stays on his feet then there is no chance the situation happens and he probably has a better chance to save the goal. Basically Hellebuyck made a poor read and got punished hard for it.

  2. There was no goalie interference. He was outside of the crease and the goalie came out to him. No way in hell that was going to go the jets way

  3. He’s Way outside the crease lol therefore negating the fact that their might be “interference”. Wild Billl is standing his ground, not even close to the crease. Easily a clear goal.

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