@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Fil de l’école des gardiens de but sur les problèmes de Vasilevskiy avec les écrans

https://twitter.com/goalie_school/status/1650991465206513670?s=20 J’ai aimé les critiques de clips vidéo de ce gars expliquant des parties spécifiques du jeu de Vasilevskiy. Je ne pense pas que nos problèmes récents soient la faute de Vasi, mais il est toujours intéressant de voir la répartition des endroits où la gestion des buts pourrait s’améliorer. Texte collé ci-dessous de Twitter, pour référence : > Vasilevskiy utilise une position haute sur les rondelles au-dessus des sommets des cercles. Il est utilisé pour voir au-dessus des écrans et certains gardiens de but l’utilisent pour montrer moins de filet depuis le périmètre. Ici, il l’utilise dans une fusillade. La clé est de se mettre en position avant que le joueur ne tire. > Il a des ennuis lorsqu’il ne peut pas se mettre en position avant que le coup ne soit tiré. Cela conduit à précipiter son mouvement et son élan vers le bas pour entrer dans la position qui dérange ses yeux et sa capacité à réagir directement aux tirs et à un mouvement que je viens d’inventer appelé «  panique flopping  »> Cela rend également tout simplement plus difficile de réagir aux écrans et déviations, lorsqu’il ramasse la rondelle en fin de vol. Sur ce but d’Auston Matthews, il ne prend pas position tant que la rondelle ne l’a pas dépassé. > Enfin, la façon dont il se tient le cou lorsqu’il regarde par-dessus les écrans le blesse aussi. Il lève les yeux, l’obligeant à utiliser sa vision périphérique pour voir. Conduit également à claquer la tête vers l’avant lorsqu’il voit la rondelle… et même juste des rondelles voyageant à grande vitesse.



  1. dtcv11

    I mean all interesting points, but this is all coming from a guy who barely made it into the nhl and hasn’t played professionally in almost 15 years.

    Vasy has some of the world’s best training, analysis, and practice. I’m not saying this guy is wrong, I’m not a professional, but this feels almost like the equivalent of someone sitting at home yelling about what cooper needs to be doing better…

  2. BiscuitsMay

    Would be interested in hearing a professionals comments about the possibility of fatigue. My thought is that the dude has played so much hockey the passed four seasons that he could be dealing with fatigue. He has had no off-season, plays as much as any starter in the league, and has 20+ playoff games each year for the passed three years. At what point does that catch up with you?

  3. NoSpin89

    Also don’t think Vasy has been the same since he was out with COVID, just nowhere near his shutdown self.

  4. blitzenkid

    Our screen protection is not as good as it has been this season. You think about how many times our guys have pushed people out of the way or gotten in front of screens in the past, and that hasn’t been happening the same way this season. Makes sense that the team would know and plan for it.

  5. mastershake725

    The losses are not Vasi’s fault per se, but we do need him to go beast mode more often than he has. I think the big cat is tired after 3 SCFs. That being said, I’m hoping he still has a little more in the tank, elimination game Vasi incoming!

  6. AdoubleU9

    I didn’t hear the exact quote or who said it but yesterday on the power lunch they mentioned how Vasy was one of the weakest goalies on shots from the point and that the Lightning had to adjust their alignment to help counter it. It sounded like it was from am ex player or coach and that it’s been something they’ve done for a while, not just this year.

  7. strokesoflightning

    Would also like to point out that Derek Lalonde who kinda started this whole thing (former assistant coach for us btw) admitted on live TV that TB changed its entire dzone strategy purely to protect Vasy from point shots, screens and deflections. I’m talking full alteration to get in pass lanes, and more block shots than normal for Vasy.

    Check Vasy’s stats from 18-22 then check this year, playoff and regular season.

    Jeff Blashill comes in this year and teams are tearing Vas apart by utilizing point shots. It becomes very clear that the strategy has changed and its not helping.

    The team MUST either change its dzone strategy or find a new assistant coach. We knew this was a weak point of Vasy and STILL CHOSE TO NOT PROTECT HIM.


    Remember when we would always have players like Mcdonagh, Cernak, Savard, our Gourde Line, to block shots like crazy? Those guys are all gone now (and Cernak is injured). This series it’s very clear we have not been blocking many shots (which may also be to reduce injury) and that’s why so many shots are going thru and going in

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