@Rangers de New York

Cette équipe des Rangers de New York me TERRIFIE…

#nhl #hockey #nhlplayoffs Pour le deuxième match consécutif.. les Rangers de New York ont ​​battu les Devils du New Jersey 5-1 et mènent maintenant la série 2-0. C’était l’une des séries les plus attendues avant les séries éliminatoires de la LNH, mais jusqu’à présent… ce n’était que les Rangers de New York. Nous expliquons comment et pourquoi les Rangers dominent et ce que cela signifie pour le reste de la série.


  1. i think you're overestimating what the devils will do in game 3 – the truth is the Rags are firing on ALL cylinders at all levels and after NJ got mollywhopped in game 1 you KNOW they went to the drawing board and went all out for game 2 knowing they did NOT wanna come to MSG down 2 games and THAT was all they could muster; an even MORE lobsided feeling 5-1 home loss

    i have no reason to think they can reinvent themselves a third time in three games and somehow snap out of it, its not all them shooting themselvfes in the foot, the rangers are just dominating with that insane offensive depth, and Vanacek is never gonna beat out playoff-Shesterkin whose got a save % thru 2 games of .960 so i think this ends in 4, five at the absolute most…

  2. Rangers coming home after winning two games on the road as underdogs??? GIVE ME THE RANGERS AT HOME TONIGHT. THE BOYS GET THE JOB DONE. LETS GO RANGERS!!!!!

  3. As a Ranger fan I’m ecstatic. As a fan of the sport this is an essential part of the Devils building their team and getting that experience. Suddenly their strengths are negates and they’re having a difficult time adjusting. Even if they get swept they’ll be better for it in the long run.

  4. IMO, I have watched several games so far…the Rangers look like the most terrifying team in the playoffs right now…..

  5. In 2005, my beloved Rangers made the playoffs for the first time in years. Great regular season, Henrik setting records, Jagr with goal and points records. They were subsequently destroyed by the Devils in 4 games in the first round. Rangers had no experience. They learned from that and were a playoff team for years after that. Devils can’t cut the line, they need a pasting, then come back next year.

  6. I'm an Isles fan so I see enough of both of these teams. I picked the Rangers for one reason. Goaltending advantage. Igor is one of the best. Want to see Ilya vs Igor series next round. Islanders vs Rangers series would be bananas. I remember the early 80's!

  7. All very well said. I think it’s a combination of the new vets finally jelling with the rest of the team, as well as the inexperience of the Devils. Having attended game 2 as a Ranger fan, it was about 65/35 in there. That always helps too.

  8. The Rangers of seasons always seemed to faulter after taking a lead and would succumb to the pressure. This season they seem to have a more rounded team, players that can take and give hits. The scoring is across the board, so it doesn't rely too heavily on one player or one line. Keep the mistakes and bad turnovers minimal and I like their chances

  9. Yes the Rangers have more experience,but this team is loaded with talent,adding Tarachenko and Kane put this team over the top,I can't see this team losing 4 games to any team.

  10. Rangers look like they weren’t satisfied with not getting to the Stanley Cup last year and they know exactly what to do to get there. The devils are just in the way of that right now.

  11. Losing the home ice advantage is a killer. I don't understand how most of the hockey world favored the Devils…. They look like smacked asses now.

  12. There really is no comparison between the regular season and the playoffs. The last few games of the regular season, people wondered why the Rangers didn't put much into their games; they were in preparation for what they are doing now. There are huge differences between the two teams and not just in experiences. The Devils play like a bunch of different guys on the ice. The Rangers play like a TEAM TOGETHER. That alone is a huge reason why they are winning. offensive players are also helping on defense, defensive players are helping on offense. Also, the Devils style of play, dump and chase, doesn't work in the playoffs as they are finding out. Too bad their coach didn't realize that before. But the Rangers knew and took them to the cleaners because of it. And Hughes (no relation), he falls apart every time he's hit. He can't handle the tight defense the Rangers are holding him under. Our offense guys are just as fast and can handle it. The Rangers will continue to WIN.

  13. Always thought this Ranger team much better, especially if Gallant left the lines alone, than the Devils. That said, I also was never sure which Devils team could show up as they are very capable of stepping it up a notch or two and going on a run. Guess NHL playoffs are, as they've always been, unlike any other professional playoffs but you never know what this Devils team is still capable of.

  14. The most important thing a playoff team must have is grit. The Devils don't have any. Much like Toronto and Edmonton.

  15. This experience thing is blowhard garbage. Rangers had none last year. Went to the ECF. Save your jersey trash excuses

  16. Rangers are not an old team either…lots of young talent on that team

  17. Remember all year the Devils were road warriors. Home ice disadvantage Devils. I'd go with Blackwood tonight.

  18. Only the 1st 2 games… the Rangers will be tested as they go forward. Doesn't mean they can't pass the tests tho!

  19. I am a rangers fan and I love this breakdown and yes lets not count the devils out yet but the rangers had to really domanite games but the rangers are not going to have a lot of stress on there back because the know the drill they have been here before they know what can happen

  20. After 2 games and how the Rangers have played how can you not think they will win tonight. I'm still prepared for anything to unfold, but if I was to make a prediction I'm calling a Rangers win tonight in 1 of 2 ways. Devils are coming out tonight in emergency mode. Devils get a quick 2 – 0 lead, then the Rangers slowly make their way back to win a close one. Or the Rangers score quickly, mentally crushing the Devils and the domination continues

  21. The Rangers team was built to tackle the Bruins, and I think they are set to eventually collide with them sometime in the playoffs.

  22. The Devils remind me of the 2008 Capitals. They won't win in the post season until the core talent loses enough and then one year, breaks through. It's up to ownership to balance salaries for the next 2-4 years but, if they keep this team together long enough…2026 Stanley Cup.

  23. As a huge Blackhawks fan and an even bigger Kaner fan I’m rooting for them big time. I’ve been saying since they got Kaner that their gonna have one of the best playoff teams

  24. This reminds me of NJD vs NYR in 2006. Rangers lost Jagr, but even with him I felt Rangers were outplayed by a large margin!

  25. How can ANYONE have respect for the rangers? Big market, ALWAYS get the deadline pick ups or signs the big names in the off seasons, Gets gifted a few high draft picks(luckily they are busts lol) & annoying loud mouth fans that are always in the comment section of the opposing teams socials. If they win anything its a sham. This is why I respect a team like Tampa…Smaller market, drafted well, key depth roster moves all the adds up to cup WINS(Multiple) post World War 2. The Rangers, MSG & Gary Bettman can all frig off.

  26. As a Devils fan, the whiplash of going from our best regular season to possibly our worst postseason has been immense

  27. From a rangers fan we all need to calm down I get 2-0 in the series but last year we were up 2-0 vs Tampa the they came back and won it

  28. Don't go overboard on this rangers team yet, yes they are contenders but no lock to get out of any round of these playoffs

  29. It's not just that the rangers are playing well. It's the fact that the devils are trying too much to play a physical game and forget their identity in the process. Add to that the atrocious line combos Ruff put out there and you have a recipe for disaster.

  30. Rangers are my second team, and I just LOVE watching playoff Patrick Kane. Dude knows how to turn it on when he needs to.

  31. Devils a bad game .. Rangers back fighting and lost by one goal… TODAY RANGERS will be back With their hockey ready to go Experience , skills top players and Defense on key on watch Ref to be noted.. will be calling out Penalties WE have seen to much of dirty hockey Devils have used fake falls a few times fake hits with sticks .. LETS clear the game and play it . That is why we have REFS…. Protect our Goalie PENALITES will be called

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