@Red Wings de Détroit

Je suis choqué qu’un entraîneur de la LNH ait dit cela pendant les séries éliminatoires.

#nhl #hockey #nhlplayoffs Pendant l’entracte du match 4 entre les Maple Leafs de Toronto et le Lightning de Tampa Bay. En tant qu’ancien entraîneur adjoint du Lightning de Tampa Bay au cours des 5 années précédentes, il a donné un aperçu pervers de la façon dont ils ont changé leur stratégie pour protéger les faiblesses d’Andrei Vasilevskiy. Nous expliquons comment cela a eu un impact sur la série et plus dans cette vidéo.


  1. That's awesome, I find it empowering as a fan to know the strategies that the teams are employing! I wish more of this information was public.

  2. Lol….This is some of the most absurd shit I’ve ever heard. Why are you surprised? You don’t think EVERY other coaching staff in the league already knows this shit too. Some of y’all clearly don’t know a whole lot about the game past the 60mins you see on tv.

  3. Way to spill the beans Derek! I played for Derek in 1998. Awesome dude! Hope the Red Wings turn it around next year!

  4. This actually makes sense, he's an amazing goalie either way because who else can make a whole to team change there dzone coverage lol

  5. It’s not really giving away secrets, any NHL coach should be able to do this by just watching tape of goals they allow and through heat maps of where teams are having success against Tampa. It’s a great way to use analytics. Lalonde and Keefe recognized that, wish more coaches would

  6. To even the odds, let me tell you something obvious about the leafs…

  7. It's not a secret. The information is out there to analyze. Every game is televised, so if you have good enough analysts, you could figure this out. That's why an NDA wouldn't be enforceable for this.

  8. While its funny that it was said, this is just info to the fans. The league knows this, and if they dont they need better people looking at team reviews. When you go deep in the playoffs, your goalie will be the first thing exposed. Matt Murray is the biggest example. After a few years of deep runs and some cups, he was picked apart for his high glove. Sure he had other issues that played into his crumbling performance, but teams knew where to put the puck and theres nothing he could do about it. Became a guessing game of "do i over compensate for my weak glove or hope they think im expecting it" and at that point you cant play focused anymore.

  9. I would say it's a bad thing… but teams already have this info… this was just news for the mainstream people….

    You don't think this stuff is in the scouting report?

  10. Thats how most playoff goals are scored. Get to the front of the net, block the goalie's vision, deflection, dont give him time to adjuist.

  11. It’s not a secret to anyone except the TV viewer, and now we know too. It’s great to understand the game from this side of the game. So what’s the problem?

  12. rofl tampa only outplayed leafs in game 1. leafs dominated game 2 and game 3 and 4 slightly outplayed leafs tmap dominated first half and le;afs fought back and dominated alte game stop showing bias

  13. I'm digging his low-key presentation style mixed with vaguely Batman villain-esque appearance

  14. This isn't a secret to all the other teams, he's being a good journalist and giving insight to the viewers. He's been very informative in this series.

  15. Look at all the traffic in front of him. It is hard to stop what a goalie cannot see.

  16. I love it. I hate it when analysts and talking heads talk down to us as if the complexities of the game are some massive guarded secret. Let em shoot the shit, it's way more entertaining.

  17. I mean deflections on screened shots from range is every goalies weakness.

  18. If you watched how the leafs have played all series I’d say they already knew this …

  19. With the largest analytics department in the league, I'm sure the Leafs were already well aware of this information.

  20. Every tender is weak against point shots with multiple players blocking his site lines.

  21. Coaches really only sign nda for like play books and things like that … plus what said every playoff team already knows scouts anit dumb

  22. Him sharing secrets like this will make it that much harder for anyone else to hire him in the future. How can you trust him? Mark my words, when he inevitably gets booted by Detroit – it will be a long, cold winter for him.

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