@Kings de Los Angeles

C’est nul et embarrassant…

Les séries éliminatoires de la LNH ont officiellement commencé et wow, quelle soirée de matchs d’opinion ! Cela dit, nous avons également vu cette poubelle, littéralement du match des Oilers d’Edmonton LA Kings. Ce fut un excellent match que les Oilers ont perdu non pas une mais DEUX avances de 2 buts en 3e période. Ayant besoin de temps, les Oilers ont semblé gagner avec un but qui a fini par être au-dessus de la barre transversale et a finalement été qualifié de non-but. Peu de temps après, les Oilers ont été appelés pour avoir trébuché. C’est à ce moment-là que les choses ont semblé bouillir pour les fans alors qu’ils commençaient à jeter des débris, des ordures et de la bière sur la glace. Cela n’a fait qu’empirer lorsque les Kings de LA ont capitalisé sur ce Power Play avec un but à eux pour gagner le match en revenant d’un déficit de 3-1 au cours de la dernière période. Je couvre cela dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #nhl #hockey #highlights #edmontonoilers #lakings


  1. The oilers are loaded with cry babies. Their fans represent them quite well.

  2. Not as embarrassing as the Canucks in 2011 burning their own city down smashing windows and looting in 2011

  3. anyone else here find the trash throwing low key hilarious? like i get that it’s dangerous to do and the league doesn’t want to be held liable for injury but it’s moments like these that people look back to decades down the line when talking about sports history

  4. I swear the kings are tripping on purpose to force a penalty like soccer players. smh what has hockey come to.

  5. Its hockey. If I want to throw my old ladies beer at a ref, that's what's going to happen. Go watch tennis.

  6. no matter the country, ppls does trashing there :/ best is just not to sell food and drinks xD less problem but will not make it away tho.

  7. Honestly, this start of this years playoffs is the worst in my opinion, leads blown, bad refereeing, bad penalty’s, looking at you bunting, and of course the fans would be furious with all of this , and I would definitely hear the obvious chant “refs you suck” it’s sometimes always the refs making shit mistakes, and sometimes the players, again bunting, the nhl needs to fix their mess big time.

  8. Must be pretty weak to take a one hander to the skate and go down . Oh after he took a step too ! That ref was also the one that called Kane for high sticking when it was the Kings player's own stick that hit him . NHL officials are not nearly good enough !

  9. I'd be interested in what you say about the Stars vs Wild game 1. At least we didn't trash our ice!!

  10. Fans, I get it you're pissed, your team BLEEEW IT, but does not give you the right to throw things on the ice! Bad Form!

  11. Yeah penalties all day long although certainly not no-doubters, but you can't have the refs put the whistle away and let them play in late 3rd/OT but only for one team. Iafallo knocked an oiler down with an elbow while bringing the puck into the o-zone just before the Deharnais tripping call. That's a penalty all day too. There were other opportunities too where they let an LA infraction slide to let them play.
    In any case, refs didn't allow the 2 goals on the PP, Oilers did. Not saying refs cost them the game, just that they didn't make themselves look good with the inconsistency.

  12. I didn’t have the kings winning this series but after watching this melt down holy shit it would be awesome to see

  13. Ugly. This is a sign of a crumbling civilization. Granted, it’s rough being a Oilers fan. Or a Leafs fan for that matter

  14. Too many overpaid superstars. They like to spend time spending so they need a long summer. Makes their careers forgettable.

  15. refs been ruining hockey. way too many soft calls for the playoffs. it's supposed to be physical and more room to be physical.

  16. Do u realize how many penalties were handed out to the oilers that night u don't think ppl know that the nhl is rigged the refs are being paid of

  17. Great Vid!

    Everything was spot on, only one thing I have an argument with is that penalty call in overtime, if you watch the play again you could of very well called holding on the kings player which dropped the defender to the ice, and if you ever played hockey before (not a dig just saying) you know the kings player felt that stick and dropped it wasn’t enough to take him down like that, so I see why Edmonton would be upset, penalty call end of the game to tie the game, and then that in OT.. but damn right embarrassing to throw garbage on the ice.

  18. The oilers fanbase is just so awful. I really hope they get eliminated so we dont have to deal with them again.

  19. If i was at the hockey game and they announced on the PA "please dont throw garbage on the ice" id throw a whole entire garbage can just to spite them. I aint gona pay over 100 bucks just to be a conformist, bow to authority and let people tell me what to do

  20. I wouldn't expect anything less from Alberta it's the Texas of Canada with the same IQ level.

  21. Oilers fans should be embarrassed for not only how they behaved at the arena, but how their team performed on the ice in this one.

  22. Throwing trash on the ice is one thing. Whoever tried to hit Kopitar with that drink, that’s just messed up

  23. Spoiled fans just liked McDavid is spoiled. Hope LA the hard working underdog team wins the series.

  24. I thought the most likely Stanley cup final would be Boston and Edmonton and now I don’t even think the oilers get out of round 1 😂

  25. The fans were upset because the quality of reffing is = to house league hockey … just horrific

  26. it's cause the play off season is rigged and an analysis of the next game would prove that

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