@Canucks de Vancouver

Sur la route avec les Canucks

Revivez certains des meilleurs moments des coulisses des voyages sur la route des Canucks de Vancouver 2015.16. Dans cette séquence exclusive, vous verrez plusieurs jeunes Canadiens réaliser leurs rêves dans la LNH et profiter du temps passé à voyager avec leur nouvelle famille de hockeyeurs. Si vous souhaitez vous tenir au courant de toutes les dernières nouvelles, des faits saillants, des fonctionnalités et du contenu All-Access Canucks, assurez-vous de vous abonner à un ou à tous nos flux sociaux, que vous pouvez trouver ci-dessous. Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube officielle des Canucks ici : http://www.youtube.com/Canucks Vous pouvez également nous suivre sur Twitter (@VanCanucks) : http://twitter.com/vancanucks Consultez notre page Facebook : http:/ /facebook.com/canucks Voir des photos et des vidéos sur Instagram : http://instagram.com/Canucks Chaque canal est assez unique, donc si vous voulez voir tout ce que les Canucks ont, vous voudrez certainement vérifier chaque canal.


  1. As a canucks fan I want Kesler to win the cup. This comment is probably going to get a lot of hate on here but there's nothing I can do about that. Great video btw.

  2. Great video to cap off a less than stellar year. It is disheartening when you see some people ranting or talking about the team you support in a certain manor and they have completely forgotten the human factor behind it all. These are our boys!! Hell I felt a little emotional seeing guys like Kesler, Juice, Lu and Schneider reconnecting with past Canucks fans. I think Benning, Linden and Willie are doing the best they can, I really do. Ill admit I was pissed Hamhuis and Vrbata weren't traded at the deadline, the Shinkaruk deal particularly stings but everything else I have mostly been fine about. Some people just think you can get a first rounder for any player you trade and that is too bad. I look forward to next year with an even younger team and fingers crossed Canucks fans we get a top 3 pick, I think we couldn't go wrong with either of the top 3. Ill admit I even was hoping the Canucks would lose as many games as they could to get a better chance in the lottery and it really sucks hoping they lose even if they will get a better pick. We'll see what happens next year hopefully we have a fantastic draft and find players who want to come and play for this great organization that occasionally gets an undeserved bad reputation in my opinion.

  3. on the road to the lottery more like it. they didn't show the guys getting in pissing matches after losing the games

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