@Stars de Dallas

C’était la décision la PLUS DIGNE des séries éliminatoires de la LNH. (jusqu’à présent..)

#nhl #hockey #nhlplayoffs Le match 2 entre les Wild du Minnesota et les Stars de Dallas a été une explosion. Cependant, les fans du Wild sont confus quant à la raison pour laquelle l’entraîneur Dean Evason lancerait Marc Andre Fleury sur Filip Gustavsson. Nous expliquons comment cette décision peut changer toute la série pour les deux équipes et ce que cela peut signifier pour le reste des séries éliminatoires de la LNH.


  1. i think it was the right call to start fleury, they've shared the net all year….and yeah after a double ot where he stood on his head most of the game, i'm sure gus could use a break….they won one away from home and in the playoffs that's always a win. 1-1 going home. i think it was the right call. Gus will start next game, and if he has a good game i think he keeps the net until series are done. unless they have another 2-3 ot game of course, but even then id be surprised to see fleury back in net this series. my opinion only! Cheers

  2. This wasn't a terrible decision at all. They were a tandem all season. It's a 7 game series and it's a team effort. Watching the game Min got burned many times and left out Fleury to dry on multiple occasions and also often just getting out efforted on rebounds or plays in front of the net. This is the NHL, guys usually snipe it past goalies in 1on1 situations either on the rush or with time in space. They didn't didn't lose cause of Fleury. Also people forget most goalies now are 6'4-6'7. Fleury at 6'2 is actually "small" by modern day NHL standards which is insane. So he can't just sit there like a robot without moving and block because of size. Infact a lot of the oversized very mechanical butterfly goalies can't do that anymore after the NHL cracked down on oversized pads and body armor. Take a look at Skinner on the Oilers. A goalie who is so mechanical and plays so deep in his net and gives up 2-3 super soft goals everynight. Fleury usually only gets beat on broken plays or just flat out rockets. He's an excellent backup at this stage of his career. Fun to watch as he's the last of the hybrid/semi-standup style goalies that grew up watching guys like Marty Brodeur and Mike Richter. He gives the league a different look that are used to just lighting up most goalies upstairs when they drop into the butterfly.

  3. I agree with some of these other comments. After that last game Dallas going to come out on fire, knowing they had to win this one no matter who was in net wild probably weren’t gonna win and you don’t want to wait until game six to play Fleury. You don’t want him to get cold sitting on the bench look what they did last year with Talbot. And you never know Fleury is a very season goalie. If he could’ve stole that second game, everyone would be praising the coaching decision I think it was the right one.

  4. If they had lost 4-3 or something like that, I would say this goaltending change had an impact on the end result. But given the facts that they got blown out AND most the goals were clearly not the goalie's fault, probably means they were going to lose regardless. I can't believe the starting goalie could have that much effect on the way the team played overall.

  5. I understand where you are coming from but this might give the rest to Gus to be THE game-changer. He will probably be in the net for 2 games in a row. Oettinger will slowly but surely fade and I cant really see that Wedgewood will save the day for Dallas.

  6. Gus would have had to stand on top of his head. They let up a SH breakaway up for the first goal.

  7. Did you even watch the game? Even if the Wild had Hasek, Roy or Brodeur in their prime in net they would have lost that game.

  8. Results based analysis is the lowest form. The wild have gone back and forth all season with the two goalies playing every other game. I know this is trying to be a knowledgeable and professional channel, but this one was lacking the knowledgeable aspect. Have enjoyed your other content, not trying to be a jerk.

  9. Fleury definitely didn't look good in that game. If Gus wasn't injured, that was indeed a horrible decision.

  10. If they want fluery to win the thing. Do it when you have a 3 to 0 series lead in the playoffs. Not 1 to 0.

  11. No because the game is played on the ice and not before so a good example would be when my dad was in the playoffs they were playing first round against the best team of their league that never lost a game. And they lost the first game against them and made it to the finals by winning the rest and they were against the team that never lost a game the whole season and won in the finals 1-0 so anything could happen on the ice. This said, that anything could happen.

  12. Too many what if''s to even compare it. But Hindsight is Hindsight… Maybe he wanted him to take a longer break since he played about 90 minutes.
    And if many of the goals weren't fluerys fault, then the results might not have been that much different. Even if he saves 2-3 more goals they still lose. So in a way it gave him some rest… But I do think barring injury or double/triple time overtimes… Goalie 1 will be back in next.

  13. I am so sick of Evason and his decision making, with this coach we will never advance past the first round.

  14. As a stars fan I don’t mind the decision. Both of them were going to get it because of what happened to joe. Plus he has played in 3 different Stanley cups. Oh and a hall of famer. Again I’m a stars fan. They’ve been doing this all season.

  15. If everyone in MN is wondering why Gus wasn't in the net then so are the players. This hurts the morale of a team and saying that didn't have an effect on the way they played is dumb. I'm not saying that Dallas wouldn't have still won that game but I bet it would have been closer. A hot goaltender can steal a series and everyone knows that. Did Dallas take out Oettinger to give him rest? This very well could sink the wild.

  16. Yes it changes the series. Obviously it wasn't a guarantee we win game 2 with how the team played… but we would have had a fighting chance.
    If this comes down to a game 7… the whole world will look back on this move and beat Dean into the ground.
    The only reason there is not fire alarms is that we are 1-1… repeat.. the only reason.

  17. This is what you pick for the dumbest decision? It made absolutely no difference. Nice analysis. This channel is just click bait.

  18. This might be the dumbest video make in the last 24 hours. Just stop. Had they won 5-4 nobody would have said a word. The ENTIRE team played like dogsh*t. On to the next one!

  19. To be honest I don’t think it has to do with the record, I think it has more to do with the fact that Gustafsson played 90+ minutes and they wanted to rest him

  20. Personally, I think it was one of the best decisions because now Minnesota has a fully rested up goalie and now Dallas is playing with a tired goalie plus Minnesota’s going through a lot of injuries, so mine as well push it a game

  21. The move with Fleury looks less dumb now with 3-1in the series. Gus is pretty fresh while Otty's steam slowly but surely will fade out.

  22. yall saying it wouldnt have made a difference if gus was in the net, watch the goals scored on him hes out of position after one save literally lying face down, Fluery is that kind of goalie with style and acrobatics. It most definitely would have made a difference, GUS Stays in the NET ! but hey i guess we will never know. Fluery save percentage with the wild this season is .90. Gus=.93

  23. You clearly haven’t followed the Wild all year. They alternated most of the year at goalie. These so called experts don’t no shit. Flurey played way more than he should have this season. No doubt. My guess is Bill G. Had some say in the matter.

  24. Russo's tweet does not infer that part of the decision to start flower was his position in all-time playoff wins. It was simply a statistical observation by Russo.

  25. I dont mind the call. The coach probably sensed his team was tired and knew DS had their backs against the wall and would come back with something to prove. Let them take it out on the back-up.

  26. I was upset when I found out they were going to start Fleury. My son said we'll see how it goes. I said I know how it's going to go he's going to give up five goals and we're going to lose the game. Was pretty damn obvious right from the get-go. Gustafson has been the superior goalie all year. I thought it was a totally asinine decision

  27. Normally I'd agree with the "use the hot hand" argument. But from an objective outside view, for what it's worth, he chose to play marc andre fleury, bro… Think about that for the next three minutes. The whole premise for your video actually kinda becomes a really silly one devoid of reason and full of emotion. Especially when it's referring to one of the greatest goalies to play the game – I'm not a fan either just keeping it real ( i get being heated, haha). On a different note, if a team loses 7-3 in a playoff game it's because the D are resting on the ice while playing the game, LOL.

  28. I think Evason made this decision for a few reasons. One reason is that Gustavson needed some rest after playing for almost 5 periods in one game. Another reason is simply because they have the depth at the position, so they wanted to utilize it. Flower is getting old, but he still has some of the most experience out of any goaltender in NHL history when it comes to playoff hockey. Finally, I think Evason didn't want to make the same mistake he made last year in the playoffs. The Wild had Talbot last year and performed very well for them throughout the regular season. But because they aquired Flower late in the season, they decided to give him the start for most of the series until it was too late. Talbot's first playoff start of the year was in an elimination game and he looked rusty because he hadn't played all post-season. I'd rather have Fluery shake the rust off in a game two rather than a game six or seven.

  29. My dumbest decision was watching this nonsense of a video. If Fluery was sat and they lost, then you'd be saying the dumbest decision was not to play Fluery….

    To say playing Fluery was the worst decision even after seeing the result is also saying that Gust would've stopped those shots. No way! That's common core thinking.

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