@Kings de Los Angeles


Faits saillants de la LNH aujourd’hui Oilers d’Edmonton contre la Kings match 3 faits saillants séries éliminatoires de la LNH 2023 viktor arvidsson a frappé darnell infirmière connor mcdavid but oilers vs kings faits saillants ot but vainqueur des prolongations haut bâton vilardi hockey de la lnh oilers d’edmonton vs rois de los angeles match 3 séries éliminatoires de la coupe stanley 2023 nhl ce soir mcdavid buts nouvelles du hockey aujourd’hui réaction de la lnh evander kane a attiré une infirmière vaillante arvidsson nhl 2023 oilers kings #nhl #highlights #nhlnews


  1. The LA Kings are acting like Hollywood stars, to get penalties, and this is just getting out of hand.

  2. the worse part of this dive, he fake limped into the back room, sat there for a min comes back out on the bench and start chirping again like nothing happened. He knew he was getting a penalty for Shooting the Stick, so he sold a dive to even it up.

  3. The way I see it is he tried to back his knee from the knee on knee collision which put all his weight on his other leg, which makes it easy to make it look like a ballerina. I'm okay with the call, and I'd be okay with an embellishment, but I don't see it as the worst dive ever.

  4. So many Professionals in the comments you would think they are in the NHL themselves.

  5. That is obviously a DIVE!!!? absolutely ridiculous that he wasn't called for embellishment on that!!!?? Just unbelievable that only Edmonton guy got penalty!!?? That is the most Blatant obvious dive I've seen in awhile!!!?? Clear embellishment!! 4 officials on the Ice and none of them saw that obvious dive!? What r they looking at then!? It's just ridiculous!? They need to add 1 or 2 officials that sit up top and have access to replays and stuff and if the officials make a call the guys up top can quickly watch the replay to make sure the call is correct and radio down to guys on the ice!? If they made the wrong call the guys up top could tell them exactly what had happened and they could correct the call!? It's ridiculous when something happens and all the officials get together and while they're bullshitting the crowd and people at home r watching the replay of it and clearly see the call is wrong but the refs end up staying with the wrong call cuz none of them r really sure of what happened and all they really gotta do is look up at scoreboard and watch the replay!!? There should be no reason to not get the calls right!!? It only takes like 30 seconds to watch replay of what happened!?

  6. You're openly saying this compares to the Avery dive? Did he dive? Yes. Was it a penalty? Nope. But this is in no where near the worst ever. On a 8 game night, odds are you're going to see this.

  7. The NHL wants the cup to stay in the USA and will referee the games towards that ending. If Nurse had dived like that he would have been penalized.

  8. I'm sure he'll be getting a notice from the league. Unlike every other sport in the world, the NHL actually tries to prohibit diving.

  9. these have got to be the most obvious paid refs. I mean have you seen the ratio of penalties and the complete one sidedness on the calls? like when has anyone ever gotten an unsportsmanlike for tapping a skate in the most crucial time of a game? when has a team had both wins in a series off a powerplay goal in overtime? not to mention they've had the lead for like 7 minutes in total the whole series long and still somehow keep winning off powerplay goals? its insane how there's not an investigation into this. honestly with the amount of sports betting on sports, especially nowadays where every second ad is for a sports betting website, you'd think they would take obviously biased refs way more seriously. its criminal.

  10. Have you EVER played ice hockey?! Have you EVER ice skated before?! That's why you wouldn't understand.

  11. This is the biggest most cowardly embellishment I have ever seen in my entire life as a hockey fan. Wow, unbelievable. He should be fined for this

  12. You should be thrown out of the league for trying to fake that kinda shit. Send him down to the minors to play with the kids were he belongs.

  13. They are just following the line that thier boss has said they have to. For the story of the play offs, to play out the way the suits want it to play out.
    They have a job to do and thats not nessasarily the one we think it is.

  14. This was a brutal case of embellishment. Crazy that the refs missed that. Terrible officiating this playoffs.

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