@Lightning de Tampa Bay

LFR16 – Round 1, Game 5 – Thunder & Blunder – Lightning 4, Maple Leafs 2

Steve Dangle récapitule et analyse le cinquième match de la série des séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley entre le Lightning de Tampa Bay et les Maple Leafs de Toronto. Les faits saillants incluent les Leafs qui ont presque réussi un autre retour miraculeux et Vasilevskiy ayant son meilleur match de la série. COMMANDITAIRE : https://sportsinteraction.com/sdpn SDPN : https://www.sdpn.ca/ SDPN DISCORD : https://discord.com/invite/MtTmw9rrz7 LIVRE : https://bit.ly/2I9hmWP LIVRE AUDIO : https://bit.ly/2GIgYya EASTER SEALS : https://bit.ly/3vcBVug Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque au sein de notre contenu !


  1. I hope the Leafs do win for you… but I do love watching you get as mad at your team and I do with mine…. Thank you for sharing and WE ALL feel your pain.

  2. The leafs allowing that garbage goal 20 seconds later lost the game for them took the wind out of the crowd until Matthews scored at the very end of the game. They needed to feed off the crowd instead they let the lightning kill the crowd immediately

  3. Bunting on the bottom 6 would be a good idea….although trying him on the top lines wouldn't be an issue as they are clearly not calling many penalties at this point in the series.

  4. I want the leafs strategy in game 6 to be plant 2 bodies in front of Vasy and let Reilly shoot, he has been hot and We have many guys that can tip the puck in

  5. Leafs gotta get more hungry, and get in front of the net to screen the goalie.

  6. I do not want to be the dude who complains about officiating every time my team loses.

    That is you.
    You are that.

  7. the NHL needs to hire some AI to officiate it would eliminate all the missed calls unless of course you program the AI to be as biased or as indifferent to the rule book as todays officials are.. then the NHL could retain some credibility

  8. When kerfoot shot the puck up in the crowd and got a penalty I wanted to bury my head in the sand.They never cease to amaze me when they do boneheaded things like this.

  9. It's nothing against you Steve. Tradition matters and are what bounds our society together.

    Halloween. Christmas/Hannukah/Ramadan. Canada Day. The Leafs, losing in the funniest way in the first round every spring.

    It's unfortunate because some Leafs players are really cool. But it's like clockwork. It's going to be noon once everyday. It's reassuring.

    Everytime a Leafs fan calls their team "Canada's team", I'm sure they're vodooing Toronto to condition them to lose, without even knowing it…

    We love you Steve ♥️

  10. As a proud member of group 3, for Christmas I would like for the avalanche to win every Stanley cup ever please

  11. Yes steve I do get off on watching you, and quite frankly all of Toronto, squirm at the realization that your team is on the annual death march to game 7.

  12. I love how REILLY scored and it went straight to HOLLS head and it allowed Tampa to score on us RIGHT AWAY because he thought that he could start playing offensive hero hockey and they COMPLETELY LEFT A MAN OPEN ON SAMMY

  13. That second goal that Sammy choked on could arguably be the dagger that killed the leafs momentum and lost them this game.

    That's two terrible Freddy Anderson like goals he let in. The other they came back and won, this game it was the dagger.

  14. and don't get me started on kerfoot. Scores the OT winner like a champ right after he completely missed on a pass LAST GAME and then THIS GAME it's just defensive lapses and puck over the glass penalties

  15. This series can’t go 7. If it does I’m worried it will get to the players heads

  16. Sure Toronto is undefeated in tampa going into game 6, so were they against montreal tho

  17. This year's playoff beard is your best yet. Could this be the Leafs best playoff since the start of LFR?

  18. Habs fan sending love. Been rooting for the Leafs just for team SDPN.

    Shove that puck down Cooper’s smug throat in Game 6, boys!

  19. But…but…you're entertaining when the Leafs lose. It comforts me that Vancouver constantly loses.

  20. I'd bet anyone out there a thousand bucks the Leafs lose the next two…. Any takers?

  21. 49k views at the time I'm watching this (12PM EDT on Fri Apr 28, 2023). Curious to see how this compares to LFRs from the Game 2, 3 and 4 wins, or Game 1 loss

  22. I'm not concerned. Tampa wasn't going to lose four straight. It just wasn't going to happen. Even so, it was pretty close. The Leafs had a bunch of GREAT chances… that just bounced the wrong way. It happens. My main concern was the non-calls. If you're a Referee, REF THE GAME.

  23. You know Steve, I consider myself in both of those last two groups. I want the Leafs to do well for your sake, but I also come to watch Mr. Screamy-Man have a meltdown sometimes.

  24. Really the “Knies high stick” – a missed call? Watch the reply Steve – he was faking – it wasn’t even close – not a good look for a rookie

  25. Last LFR, I asked what actor would play you in "Fish Man: Hockey Fan".
    After game 5, I think the role of Fish Man would have to be played by Samsonov, because that guy was flopping around in net like it was spawning season.

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