@Rangers de New York

Désolé pour le catastrophisme..

Désolé pour le catastrophisme..



  1. ImmortalHitman720

    The ship has hit the iceberg and is taking on water. Time to see if the pumps will work well enough to hold off the flood.

  2. MitchWasRight

    This reminds me of the beginning of the season when the team was showing absolutely no heart and the geniuses in marketing kept on with slogan. Coming to a commercial break and then some stupid « No Quit in New York » ad trying to sell tickets and t shirts. I’m totally disgusted with this entire organization.

  3. Kmccabe1213

    Amazing we improve the team from last year and look worse in the playoffs such a shame. Gotta make a massive statement game 6 or it’s a wrap

  4. SoberBarney

    We’re doing memes now? Softee mod team bumped my post twice because it hurt their feelings

  5. Djbearjew

    Its my fault guys, I jinxed it. I had to go ahead and say that for the first time in 15 years I was confident we’d win in less than 7 after game 2.

  6. Priscins

    I honestly believe that trading Ryan Reaves hurt this team badly

  7. Bibbus

    Am I the only one that enjoys it coming down to the wire and winning in game 7?

  8. Darknightsmetal022

    I sadly can’t help but feel like the series is over, we needed to win at least one at msg to make it 3-1 but because we let them win both they have the momentum now and I just don’t feel like we will get it back but hopefully I’m dead wrong. It’s just depressing how after the first two games we were on a high and now i just feel like it’s very low.

  9. crazypants36

    My only source of hope is that hockey is so unpredictable from one game to the next. But, damn, it’s hard to think they can pull this one out with the way they’ve looked.

    And not that the Devils suck, but if they can’t put them away without a massive struggle, what hope do they have to beat even better teams.

  10. Herplederple1

    First team to blow consecutive 2-0 series leads since ??? Has to be a while since that has happened

  11. Ianncarl

    The team you build to have a successful season is not necessarily the team that will get you the cup. Look at the devils, mediocre at best, but they play defense and skate.

  12. captars

    I thought « Rangerstown » was atrocious, but the moment they started using « No Quit in NY, » I knew it was tempting fate.

    MSG’s marketing team needs to pick a better slogan, and fast.

  13. sideshow09

    😂😂😂😂 this made me laugh out loud.

    In all seriousness and I’ve been thinking this for a while, I’m not sure if he’s THE problem, but I don’t like Keandre Miller for this team. I’d rather have another gritty player who is a defensive stud with little to no offensive ability.

  14. Aar1012

    Guys, it’s on me. I bought a new rangers shirt last week (oddly one that says “No Quit”) and we’ve lost since I started wearing it. I just need some blue thread for my other rangers shirt (that I wore when we won)

  15. TFG209

    No quit in New York is a stupid slogan honestly. Why are we just assuming we won’t be doing well at stuff?

  16. BernieManhanders23

    God there is so much quit in NY. If we somehow win 6, we’ll win 7…but we better have an entirely new team show up

  17. bad_romace_novelist

    Can we sub in the Hartford Wolfpack?

    P.S. This all my fault, I just rescued a husky from Philly. It’s the Curse of Tony DeAngelo!

  18. TiberSVK

    If we win game 6 we win game 7. Gets them the confidence back. My prediction for game 6 is 4:2 rangers, Kreider, Zib, Chytil and Kaner scoring

  19. ColdYellowGatorade

    They have to retire that slogan

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