Beaucoup de billets disponibles pour ce soir. Certaines sections ont baissé de 1/2 du prix. Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques liens au cas où quelqu’un voudrait le vérifier. Il faut remplir le bâtiment !!!!!!!
[Game Time]( )
[Tick Pick]( -arène-4-28-23-19h/5593232/?price=0,200)
If I was on the Island I would jump at this
The team sent out an email a couple of hours ago that more seats were released for sale
Yeah when I went to game 3 as well I got section $100 for 90 each just gotta wait till the day of the event at lunch tickets always go down
Thanks for this. I’m also not on Long Island but I’m counting on the rest of isles nation to fill the building and blow the roof off of UBS