@Jets de Winnipeg

Cette situation horrible est juste devenue plus laide..

Faits saillants des séries éliminatoires de la LNH aujourd’hui nouvelles de la LNH interview de blake wheeler interview de rick bowness après le match rumeurs d’échange des jets de winnipeg marque scheifele connor hellebuyck nouvelles de la lnh aujourd’hui hockey séries éliminatoires de la coupe stanley 2023 nhl aujourd’hui tnt espn sportsnet affrontements de la série éliminatoire de la lnh rick bowness blake wheeler jets de winnipeg nouvelles séries éliminatoires de la lnh 2023 choix aujourd’hui hockey nhl faits saillants aujourd’hui pierre luc dubois rick bowness entrevue d’après-match jets nhl #nhl #highlights #nhlnews


  1. Bones has been a head coach in the league for 14 years. He's only made it to the playoffs 4 times.

    His strategy of "shoot first and pray that you score" doesn't produce results. As a coach he needs to have players buy-in to his out-dated game plan or adjust it to fit his players. He did neither but made a fool of himself.

  2. Wheeler should be embarrassed.
    Those guys ran Paul Maurice outta town. Laine too. Buff?
    Screw them. Why do we gonna constantly support these players who really don't show up.

    Sorry. It's not the same. Players have been here with a coach who was really good! Those guys are the core.
    Now they wanna cry about the new coach too??

    Fool me twice… Shame on you Blake.

  3. The thing is if it was the other way around, it would make no sense. Seems like a bunch of conversations that should’ve happened in Jan or feb

  4. Rick Bowness said right from the start, I already talked to the guys in the locker room before he came to press conference. He did it privately since January when the Jets core just started to mail in effort and they slid, don't forget this, from first place on Jan. 24 to the last wildcard spot and barely made it even then. THese guys have not been playing well for two months, and before that, they threw Paul Maurice under the bus by playing like dogs. Here is the other side, you are being paid to play in public, you whine about injuries, everyone is hurting at this time of year, but the other teams are playing like crazy, these guys looked like an oldtimers hockey team. Nope, whatever Wheeler said, it doesn't matter, his play said it all, no heart, no intensity, no effort, nothing from the guys that are supposed to be the core. You are professionals get used to being criticized and guess what, if you won't listen in the dressing room or the coaches office, then you turn in a performance like that, yup you deserve getting ripped in public. Why? Because you stunk in public so you need to get criticized in public.

  5. He the Coach , the chief in command. This guy must been sucking to get the Jobs as Head Coach , must be a fail father figure too. Bownner!

  6. Wheeler is NO Young Blood – but NEVER a question his HEART until you know IF he is 100% Healthy!

    For Real, People – YOU don’t know what (Vax-?) injuries &/or PAIN the guys are playing through.

    Paul Maurice would have a better handle on the status of their heart & effort after coaching them for 10 years

  7. Die hard Jet fan for decades. This team didn't deserve to be treated with respect. There is a pile of them that have floated for years now, 55 is the worst of them.

  8. I mean, those conversations would have already happened behind closed doors. One doesn't strip the C from the captain without those conversations happening in private. To me, Wheeler is being disingenuous here due to that and, frankly, lending credence to what Bowness said. Clearly having those conversations privately wasn't getting anywhere and now here we are. Wheeler was gifted an opportunity to accept some amount of responsibility in public and instead completely ignored the criticism.

  9. Dallas played a lot better this year under Pete, with pretty much the same roster… That said, this Jets roster played far worse on the ice than they vere on paper this year.

  10. I normally agree with what you have to say, but I think the only person to support in this scenario is Bowness

  11. As a Jets fan, I have a lot of respect for Wheeler, and Scheifele and I'm grateful for all the awesome hockey they've given us to cheer about. They're good players, scheifele is still in his prime too and can still be one of the best in the league.

    That said, something is terribly wrong. The series was pretty good but it wasn't just game 5. They were one game away from the worst collapse in NHL HISTORY. It wasn't as if when they were losing they were tight games — they looked completely outclassed and the effort WASN'T THERE.

    These guys should go back in the offseason and watch some of the entire games they completely bailed on themselves. Have a good hard look at that, and then try to say that was 100% effort. 100% buy-in. It's complete bullshit man. What ever they tell themselves before and after those games about the effort they put in, answer for every poor effort that happened over and over and over in those games. All the little lazy puck battles, the pretend defending, passing the buck instead of passing the puck.

    I can't help but think that in some ways both Scheifele and Wheeler, think they are leaders and Wheeler for sure has been a leader — but they might just be bad at leading to be honest. Since Buff left it has been a downward spiral, maybe there was too much of a void to fill and these guys are burnt out trying to keep peoples spirits together I don't know.

    Bowness has every right to say what he said. They gave up on the playoffs and were just going through the motions of the last day at work in game 5.

  12. Have you watched Blake Wheeler ? I liked him very much ! He had his best season when we lost conference final in 2018 . His heart has not been in it since then . If he was a V8 ! He’s firing on 4 cylinders ! These guys including Wheeler are been paid well . They are supposed to be leaders on this team and roll models for the rookies . They have done nothing but demonstrate their lack of desire and show up to play when they want . If things don’t change and management doesn’t act quickly this off season ! Interest in this team is going to cost them fans ! Without the fan base this team is leaving and Winnipeg will NEVER GET A TEAM AGAIN !

  13. As much as I respect the players and understand what hes saying I have to side with the coach on this one.

  14. As a lifetime Winnipegger and longtime Jets fan since the original Bowness era. Here's what I would have liked to have seen from any Jet, especially from Wheeler.

    "Coach was 100% correct, we played awful. We showed what we're capable of in the first half and showed we are a top 5 team in the NHL fighting for an extended period of time for 1st in the West and we almost blew our season by scraping into the playoffs. Then in the elimination game we're down 4-0 going into the 3rd with no life, that's on us. Everyone including myself needs to find that kind of effort unacceptable."

    That's what this team is missing. Any team who truly believes they are a top team in the NHL would never justify the second-half performance. I 1000% agree with Bones and it was very disappointing as a fan to see the player's reaction. As if Blake and the team didn't hear from Bones. The players said he told them all this in the 2nd period and I believe for 8 minutes of the 3rd (I don't know for sure because I turned the game off) they had and empty net and couldn't do anything. Bones also said the personal pride and needing a push back more than a few times during the second half of the season. NO Jet fan who's paid attention was shocked by what he said, just the fact he said it.

    They say that they believe they're a top team but I don't think they believe it. As soon as they see success, they crumble. Thats the way I see it.

  15. 3 coaches 2 yrs .. support your coach .. .. for a captain that got accused of being too hard on his team mates this makes no sense .. plus the fact that he actually played well . For his age and responsibilities ……. This is a cap team the players are paid .. all in remember … ?

  16. If you look at the Jet's history they start losing games around February and fail to make the playoff or squeak into playoffs and lose. Too bad some of the changes weren't made before this season now that their trade will drop. Many of the players have expiring contracts so other teams can wait.

  17. The coach putting them on blast like that makes no sense. if there was more hockey to be played and you wanted to fire up your team, maybe, but at this point its just toxic.

  18. I'm on Bowness' side just for the fact that if a coach other than Torts comes out and says this, it can only be because those guys really deserved to be called out lol. Bowness isn't really known for this type of behavior. IMO Bowness just opened an old wound that wasn't going to heal anytime soon, he did the right thing and the good news is that now change is inevitable. The Jets have had locker-room issues for about a decade now. Bowness just put the spotlight back on an issue that preceeded him and cost other coaches their jobs. This goes back to the Patrick Laine days, and maybe a bit earlier than that. Hopefully this forces those players to look at themselves in the mirror.

  19. They lost any right to be angry when they choose to but no effort into game 5. The players need to man up and earn there keep, not be given a free pass for the crap they displayed on the ice. Good on Bowness and the players need to grow up. This is a big reason this team never gets anywhere, because they have always been treated with kid gloves at the end of the day. Now how patient will the fans be for the inevitable rebuild is the big question.

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