@Avalanche du Colorado

Peut-être pas ce soir, mais définitivement demain

J’aime tellement cette équipe. C’est triste de sortir comme ça, mais ça me fait encore plus apprécier la saison de la Coupe Stanley.



  1. _RocketGrunt_

    Honestly I’m kind of relaxed and happy this cursed season is over. We were way too injured and out of whack to do another cup run this year.

    Yes it would be fun to go to round two, but I’d rather have our team get healed up for next season over a longer summer instead of risking more injuries and get knocked out by Dallas in round 2.

  2. Maleficent-Ear-2450

    This is how I felt at the beginning of the season and it’s still how I feel today. This season was so fun, because no matter the end result, we’ll always have the 2022 Stanley Cup run. Can’t wait to run it back next season!

  3. AlanMtz1

    Yeah, i remember how fucking fun it was downtown after that cup winning game, those memories will last me for a bit

    This team will recover, just need Landy back and to figure out what happened to our scoring depth that series, wouldve been a much worse feeling if they top line was the reason we lost, but our stars did their thing, just wasn’t our year

  4. Sportfreunde

    It didn’t hurt like past years.

    Winning the cup makes you content lol. And I found it strangely difficult to get invested this year for the first time so even the players I imagine didn’t have the same motivation as last year.

  5. Feels like the chaos of March Madness. The Leafs advance and Bruins lose, so maybe no one will notice the Avalanche also lost, lol.

    It was a hell of an accomplishment winning the division given all the injuries, and all the credit to Grubauer last night. The Avalanche didn’t play well for a few games, but they had a good effort last night and just got shut down (and I’m also starting to hate offsides replays!)…. it happens.

  6. Greenforaday

    Two years back when we lost to Vegas my week was ruined. I was incredibly upset and felt deflated.

    This year? Meh. We lost and I just went and messed around on my computer for a bit and went to bed. Slept fine. The team gets some much deserved rest and we get to watch stress free hockey for another month and a half. I don’t believe for a second that Seattle is a better team than us, they just took advantage of an extremely tired and beat up group of guys. We’ll be back stronger next season.

    In the mean time I can enjoy the memories of 2022, a luxury fans of a lot of teams have never gotten to experience.

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