@Ligue nationale de hockey

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  1. Bawbawian

    well in case you need an excuse to not spend your money in one of the worst states in America.

  2. irishdancer89

    Seems weird but who knows. I googled it and it’s only Canadian news sites writing about it too which seems weird.

  3. green-gazelle

    This happens often and the Panthers aren’t the only team to do it.

  4. Jon_Bone_Jovi

    On point for Florida… can’t believe I’m saying this but, go Leafs.

  5. darwilli

    Tampa Bay restricted any non Florida resident from purchasing playoff tickets in 2015. So it’s not totally unprecedented.

    What this means is the secondary market is going to explode and they’ll still be Leafs fans there.

  6. mafsfan54

    Solution: have an American buy the tickets 🤷🏻‍♀️

  7. qawsedrf12

    tampa did it, nothing new here

  8. Montgunnery

    Nashville has done this for years. Among other franchises

  9. Pleasant_Statement26

    Most teams do this, even within the state. Not really newsworthy

  10. Murky-Smoke

    If they didn’t make it a bit more difficult for Canadians to buy tickets, it would be like the Leafs playing 7 straight home games.

    It’s totally understandable.

    Having said that, enough Canadians are Florida residents, that I don’t think it’s gonna matter all that much.

  11. Duckzgo

    Anaheim did this also when Anaheim played Vancouver in the playoffs years ago. To think this is just a state issue because you don’t like that particular state is just a dumb assessment.

  12. bigdaddybolg

    So you need a us credit card. Well let’s.see. typical snowbird from Canada. Likely has a us card. Sooooo. What is this actually.going.to do?

  13. NufeeFlatlander

    There are a lot of Canadians that live in Florida or that snowbird there. It’s not uncommon to see large contingents of fans cheering for the opposing team at a Florida or Tampa games, particularly for teams like the Leafs or the Habs.


    You should have the choice, but my advice is to stay home and watch it on TV. You’ll save yourself a piss pot of money…

  15. teedlenumb

    Boss was one of the early season ticket holders for the Knights and they booted him after a year

  16. 136AngryBees

    This happens almost every year I feel like. Kind of dumb, but also I get it. You want your house packed with your fans

  17. slightlybearish

    Well first it’s misleading. Unless by “locals” they mean anyone in the U.S.

  18. Spocks-Nephew

    Resale unaffected. Non issue.

  19. imaybeacatIRl

    So it’ll be 60% Maple Leaf fans instead of 80%.

  20. Ultivia

    This is normal.
    I remember when the blues played the bruins we were barred from buying each others tickets until a few days before the game. You can find em re-sale if you’re traveling for a game. Its gonna be pricy as shit but welcome to the 2nd round I guess.

  21. Charmander_Chazz

    Why do people act like letting home fans have priority over tickets is a bad thing?

  22. amach9

    This just means that people will be making $$$ buying tickets and then reselling to Canadians

  23. Stonetoothed

    I mean Iv heard of teams doing that for state to state let alone other countries. Pretty sure the nationals stopped selling tickets to Philly fans at one point when we were referring to their ballpark as Citizens Bank South. Won’t matter there’s going to be tickets on second hand sites anyways so if your a leafs fan who wants to travel to Florida for a game I’m sure you’ll be able to find what you need

  24. jdwazzu61

    Pretty common for post season tickets in most sports. Teams like hanging their local fans at games and demand is high. It won’t stop resellers but it could protect and extra face value tickets or official reseller tickets on TM from being sold to someone without a local address.

    Locals should be able to support their team without the wealthy out of town fans snagging all the tickets.

  25. sandysanBAR

    They do it every year, its no longer a surprise. It is what it is.

    If you wear non panthers attire in the boxes, they will ask you to remove it.

    They just do not want the optics of being overrun by the visiting teams fan base. I don’t like it but like I said it aint new and playing the 2round playoff drought breaking leafs, being overrun by leaf fans would be a very real possibility.

    There’s always the secondary market.

  26. CoffeeKing75

    Looks like its for the first 24 hours, It makes sense that they would want to give Americans first dibs. Although there are probably a lot of snowbirds with US property and dual citizenships.
    I know quite a few Leafs fans who swear that it’s a better value seeing away games than home ones in toronto. The average Leafs ticket prices are usually on the high end, while tickets for the panthers are generally on the low end (not sure how much that goes up for the playoffs). Flights to Florida usually get cheaper in the spring to summer. The price of moderately decent seats in Toronto would instead probably get you game tickets, a round-trip plane ticket, and a day or two in Florida.

    Bonus points if you have a friend or relative that has a place you can stay at down there.

  27. ABoyNamedSault

    No biggie. The vast majority of people attending ANY hockey games in Florida, are « Snowbird » Canadians who winter there, or live down there anyway.

    There will be a sea of blue at all those games.

  28. Ok-Reputation-2266

    This has been going on for years. Pretty much every team does it.

  29. LoCh0_xX

    Happens all the time in sports, not just hockey. Even in college I’ve heard of rivalry games being limited to just season ticket holders

  30. Chewed420

    It’s not like general public can get tickets easy from ticketmaster anyways. This will just help resellers milk (no pun intended Maple Leafs jerseys) the Toronto fans.

  31. Leftkarma23801

    I feel like you should allow your fans to have first dibs

  32. deadlygr8ful

    Doesn’t mean leafs fans won’t be in attendance…. doesn’t stop 2nd party sites selling tickets to obsessed Canadian fans…

  33. Judge_Rhinohold

    Americans will buy all the tickets and list them on Stubhub, etc. Leafs fans will buy them there and they’ll still be way cheaper than the home games.

  34. FiveHole23

    It’s pretty normal for teams to only offer ticket sales to only in state residents first. I am really ok with it.

    I live in Florida, the amount of Canadians that live down here for like 6 months of the year is actually pretty impressive.

    Also if it matters, I am not a fan of any Florida Team and the only games I have gone to in Florida are regular seasons games against the Jackets.

  35. waste_yoot

    It’s absolute bullshit for a reason that no one has mentioned yet.

    The division is literally built so that sorry ass Florida teams can take advantage of Canadian snowbirds.

    Florida/Tampa Bay have zero business being in a geographical division that has Canadian teams in it. We should have new York, or philly, Washington.

    So it’s thanks for filling the seats during the regular season Canadians, but you can fuck off come playoffs???

  36. ​

    scalpers are so happy right now!

  37. stephenlipic

    You can still get tickets if you have a US address which most people either have one or know someone in the US.

    Plus you can get them from third party resellers like StubHub etc without that limitation.

    It really will do little other than allow for Panthers fans to at least sort of have first crack.

  38. mrfunderhill

    Florida being a loving, welcoming, inclusive environment would have surprised me more.

  39. superdalebot

    Cool i guess leafs fans reputation proceeds them

  40. Santa_Claus77

    Can’t we as Americans just buy the tickets and gift them to the Canadians? I personally think the restriction is stupid, but that’s just my opinion.

  41. Dr_Isaly_von_Yinzer

    I think it’s probably not the best look for Florida but at the end of the day they’re trying to create a home atmosphere and I get that.

    I’m a Penguins fan and for years, we would take over the Capitals arena while they were still cultivating their fan base. We still regularly do it to Columbus.

    The Caps put a policy in place that wouldn’t sell tickets to anyone with certain area codes.

    Everyone in Pittsburgh bellyached about it at first but really, can you blame them? I certainly can’t.

    And now Washington has a very strong fan base in place and they don’t have to do things like that anymore. Hopefully Florida can get to that same level.

  42. LukePendergrass

    Lots of teams will only let ‘local’ credit cards buy tickets. Not really a ‘no Canadians’ policy I’m aware of.

    I was in Nashville a couple years ago and wanted to catch a playoff game. Took 90sec to change my billing address to the hotel I was staying at. Bought tickets, changed address immediately back to my home.

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