@Jets de Winnipeg

Récapitulatif de la disponibilité des médias de fin d’année des Jets de Winnipeg – incertitude à l’approche de la saison morte

Andrew « Hustler » Paterson et Michael Remis animent Winnipeg Sports Talk Daily. Ils reviennent sur la disponibilité médiatique de fin de saison des Jets de Winnipeg où un certain nombre de joueurs ont parlé de l’avenir incertain des Jets de Winnipeg. Invité : Jeff Hamilton du Winnipeg Free Press Sujets : Compte à rebours (0:00) Intro, récapitulatif du week-end des Jets, week-end de la LNH (0:40) Clips de Wheeler et Hellebuyck (24:26) Clips de Kyle Connor (53:48) Commentaires de Rick Bowness (1:01:58) Jeff Hamilton du Winnipeg Free Press (1:09:29) Notes de fin de semaine, lignes Coolbet et conclusion (2:11:08) Nommez votre héros méconnu unsunghero@winnipegsportstalk.com – plus d’informations sur https ://www.thedreamfactory.ca/unsunghero Suivez Andrew « Hustler » Paterson sur Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/hustlerama Suivez Michael Remis sur Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/mremis Suivez Jeff Hamilton sur Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/jeffkhamilton Winnipeg Sports Talk Liens : Spotify : https://spoti.fi/3bboDpa​​ Apple Podcasts : https://apple.co/30nIf3v​​ Site Web : http : //www.winnipegsportstalk.com Discord : https://discord.gg/eZxKeEZdsb Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/sportstalkwpg​​ Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/sportstalkwpg​​ Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/sportstalkwpg​ TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@sportstalkwpg Store : http://store.winnipegsportstalk.com Newsletter : http://eepurl.com/hP4CBP Support WST Défi – https://bracketchallenge.nhl.com/en/league/30844 Classement des séries éliminatoires WST : https://www.officepools.com/nhl/classic/auth/2022/playoff/SportsTalkWPG/winnipeg Un merci spécial à nos sponsors : Boston Pizza, Nott Autocorp, Dairy Queen, Royal Sports, Coolbet.co, Little Brown Jug, Canadian Club, Princess Auto, Eph Apparel, Vita Health, Wallace & Wallace, Breezy Bend, Manitoba Battery, Consolidated Supply et Culligan Water. Remerciements supplémentaires à : Vantage Studios, Kyle Balharry, Design Harbour, Chernebeats, Raccoon Carney. Vignette Crédit photo : WST Devenez membre de notre chaîne ici : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEqYcU4IEXvfWt0vtGA_Cww/join


  1. Andrew, Rick totally walked thngs back. I think he was scolded by management. Even the media was surprised he spoke that day.

  2. Rick spoke how he felt. We all heard it and most agreed. The players have to be oblivious. Bring in toews as captain or assistant. Set these guys straight

  3. Bowness should not have apologized. Chevy should have shot down what the players said. And that there are changes coming to better compete. Painful. Divas gotta go

  4. Bowness should not have apologized. Chevy should have shot down what the players said. And that there are changes coming to better compete. Painful.

  5. I think Jeff Hamilton is correct in his assessment of how things work with the Jets, basically that Chipman is involved in every decision. I don't think there is a lot of latitude given to Chevy and so most of what he says and does has been cleared with or dictated by the man upstairs. So in that sense, fans calling for Chevy to be fired seems a bit unfair. I think Chevy owes a debt to Mr. Chipman with respect to their trip to New York and he is therefore unlikely to go against the grain in any way. I know he was officially cleared but his marketability to other teams may not be the best as a result of his association with that group in Chicago. So it's tread lightly for Chevy. I don't envy his position and unfortunately if he is being handcuffed this doesn't do the team any good at all. Look for Jets to field basically the same team next season.

  6. THE problem likely is a number of players want out and management does not want to move them yet as wpg is a difficult market to attract similar replacements. The core players know this and may be self sabatoging by not playing at there best each nite just as bones says. A rebuild in a small market is tough esp when season tickets have become more readily available over the last couple of years…… GO Jets GO!!!! from a winterpegger

  7. As long as Blake one ball Wheeler is gone I will be HAPPY! He is a SMUG PRICK!

  8. Whether you're a fan or a member of the media, since 2019 we've watched this team take nights off time and again. We've seen individuals back checking like they're having a leisurely skate on Rideau Canal. And nobody in this core seems to take responsibility. Whether it's Chipman directly involved, Chevy making the call on players it doesn't change a thing in regards to the fact that it's produced mediocrity. This team needs a new voice at the front office helm and leadership change in the room. Without it I shudder to think what next season brings

  9. Trade Helle to Edmonton -for his sake I cant think of any other "contenders" that need a goalie ?

  10. They are NO Cinderella team … more like a bunch of princess' !!! They were a 1st place team, that fell of the rails and limped in. Really felt like a disappointment 😥

  11. I’m assuming this core has been enjoying the easy money handed out by TN. I wanna get paid for doing less too!

  12. Completely agree w you, the players showed more push back at Bones than they've shown on the ice since 2018!!
    Chevy's presser was a whole lotta due dilligence stammering and sweating with Zero accountability, once again he let his roster off the hook …..Joe Biden makes more sence when he talks about how he faced down Corn Pop!!!

  13. Jets won’t and don’t need to rebuild solely because the Division we are in. We are all but guaranteed to be playoffs next year. I agree we need better horses to get over the hump. Our division has Chicago, Arizona, St Louis and Nashville both retooling and the Wild are in Cap he’ll next year.

  14. Phuuuuck I’m pissed at this clueless core who have no sense of responsibility. We as fans are total suckers.

  15. They’ll run it back if they can’t get value and wait till trade deadline and slip into playoffs for the 💰💰

  16. Fan base latches on to coach to tells the truth about how shitty the org/locker room is. Sounds fairly similar to the Flyers, brought in new coach, fan base latches onto coach because hes the only one that willing to speak truths. But the difference between Bowness and Torts is that Torts has the balls to scratch any player on his roster that he thinks isnt giving 100% in every single game.

  17. Blake wheeler is a smug looser.. guy acts like he has any pull or say like a hall of famer.. without the jets he would have been a 3rd line player washing jocks

  18. Love your passion Hus, but what does keeping 37 do for the team? We aren't a $10m goalie away from improving. LB just beat them. IMO that means spend more on D and F that are game breakers. Trade the top part of the core, and wait for a trade from cap strapped teams to find the F/D you need. We have a great farm, stacked with bottom 6 and lots of trade bait. Retool for a year or 2 right and we can go far again.

  19. The Winnipeg Jets organization is one big mess. Anyone who thinks otherwise are fooling themselves. I’m sorry but after 12 years it’s time for Chevy to go. There’s a reason why attendance was down all season. The product on the ice sucks and fans are sick and tired of spending their hard earned money on this team. Face the fact the Winnipeg Jets are no longer the darling of the Peg.

  20. They are being paid very well. Just as much as anywhere else. They are becoming toxic. Maybe we shouldn’t have an NHL team if this is what these top players think of Winnipeg.

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