@Flames de Calgary

Comment je regarde Kirk Muller après avoir entendu que l’équipe n’a jamais pratiqué le jeu de puissance

Que diriez-vous que vous *faites ici ?*



  1. CJ_Boiss

    Try to teach everyone how to do a powerplay during a 30 second timeout when your team is has the man advantage and is down a goal with a minute left in the game?

  2. Extra-Guidance3085

    is there a chance that it was maybe sutter not allocating time during practice for it? do we know that it was actually kirk muller that actively made the decision to not practice?

  3. SwedishMeatwall

    If the rumors of them never practicing the Powerplay are true, Muller deserves another shot.

  4. colbyrasmass

    If you believe this, I have an arena to sell you……

  5. ScarlettMatt

    If this is true, and evidence suggest it might be, do we honestly believe Sutter allowed anyone to have any say in anything?

  6. RoyMunsun

    « So Kirk… what is it, you would say, you do here…? »

    « I have people skills!!! I’m good with people!!! »

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