@Hurricanes de la Caroline

[Ruff] Eh bien, pas encore d’horaire complet, mais… Le match 1 entre les Canes et les Devils débutera à 19 h mercredi. ESPN aura la diffusion.

[Ruff] Eh bien, pas encore d’horaire complet, mais… Le match 1 entre les Canes et les Devils débutera à 19 h mercredi. ESPN aura la diffusion.



  1. notyomamasusername

    Will 99.9 have Mike and Tripp?

    I’m sorry I can only take so much of ESPN’s nut swinging on how the Rangers were robbed, Carolina is not really a good team, constant explanations on how  » ‘Rob’ Brindamour is shaking with fear at the thought of the playing the Devil’s » (actual quote from our game at the beginning of 2023)

  2. JoeMorgue

    I mean we’re playing another east coast team. We can assume a 7 or 7:30 start for all weekday games.

  3. millard_spillmore

    The NFL puts out their playoff schedules as soon as the games are over on the broadcasts. Such a joke how slow the NHL is every single year.

  4. alottagames

    I love ESPN coverage of our games.

    Hearing about every other team…finding out what Connor McDavid had for lunch a week ago…looking back on the Bruins’ historic run…getting commentary on « the way hockey should be played. »


  5. ZorroMcChucknorris

    Thanks Gary Bettman. Crack team you’ve got there.

  6. Squat1998

    Would love an 8pm game Friday so I can do a little fly fishing after work before the game

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