@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Cela en dit long sur Vasy

Cela en dit long sur Vasy



  1. itsyaboikawaiidesu

    Hopefully Hugo « I stop pucks » Alnefelt can take up the mantle of Back-Up and we can have an actual goalie tandem to where we don’t have our best player rack up small injuries because he’s playing too many games.

  2. Squeaky_Is_Evil

    This is why being eliminated doesn’t hurt so much this season. We got our cups, Boston shit the bed, Rangers and Avs are out, and the boys are going to get some much needed rest. If Vegas and Toronto lose, this may be my favorite non-Bolts playoffs ever.

  3. rhodesleadnowhere

    Makes sense. You can only push yourself so hard for so long before it takes a toll on your mental and physical health. Overall, a little vacation will be good for both the team and the fans.

  4. Dynothermsconnexted

    Hope he jumps in the Bacta tank an starts his recovery soon.

  5. strokesoflightning

    This means we need a capable backup who can play 30ish games a year. In both of our cup runs (granted, shortened seasons), Vasy never played more than 53 games. In the past 2 seasons, he’s played 60+ both times. That’s more than enough proof that Vasy’s max games played should be around 50-55.

    I dont expect that backup to be Alnefelt, but this is critical to get right for the sake of future success.

  6. cavegrind

    Vasy’s played [385 games since 2016, and 98 playoff games.](https://www.hockey-reference.com/players/v/vasilan02.html) When you look at active goalies who’s careers span 2013-2023, only [Freddy (479), Hellebyuck (435), Martin Jones (444), Talbot (432), & Gibson (431)](https://www.hockey-reference.com/leaders/games_goalie_career.html) have more games played than Vasy (425). That means 89% of Vasy’s career games have come since the 2016 Playoffs when he became our starter.

    [Only MAF](https://www.reddit.com/r/TampaBayLightning/comments/135p7cn/this_says_a_lot_about_vasy/) has more career playoff games (169 : 110) among active goalies, and among those who’s careers started within the last 10 years Martin Jones has the second most playoff starts (62), meaning Vasy’s played 77% more playoff games in the last 10 years than the next highest goalie in his cohort.

    He’s averaged 62 starts a year for the last 6 years, 11.7 playoff starts in the last 7 and **23.5 playoff starts per year in the last 3 years**. The dude absolutely deserves a rest.

  7. Fallahh

    Hyper Cryo Chamber Vasilevskiy coming soon..

  8. Flounder_Immediate

    Am a goaltender, even beer league twice a week puts serious strain on my body, to compete at the level Vasy has for so long with the mobility he still has is super human. Modern goaltending is not the old standup style, it wrecks havoc on your hips & knees. The NHL needs to get used to having a total split tandem or you will see star tendies done by early 30’s as we already are.

  9. royalemperor

    we need to transition to a 1a-1b goalie system. Vasy has averaged like 60 games a season since 2017 lol. He’s pretty much always been in the top 5 for games played.

    Let alone the huge amount of playoff games we’ve played.

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