@Wild du Minnesota

WildOn7th: Épisode 36 – Récapitulatif du jeu 6 de la ronde 1

C’était une sortie de premier tour pour le Wild. Carts, King et Burnside décortiquent la série et expliquent comment le Wild et sa base de fans peuvent briser le moule et changer l’ambiance en espérant gagner.


  1. "Old Testament, New Testament, self-fulfilling prophecy…", When is the Wild going to strike the fear of God in their First Round opponents?

  2. Carter's theory means that the Wild will win the cup in 6-7 years when global warming hits

  3. I don’t know how Kinger kept it together. That is some of the most preposterous, ludicrous victim blaming gaslighting horseshit I have ever listened to in my life. Carts has surpassed the previous king: Paul Allen. Congratulations.

  4. I'm gonna be honest. I kind of agree with Carts' take on the fan base being too fragile and not dealing with adversity very well, BUT at the same time, one of these teams in MN is just gonna have to power through that palpable fan skepticism to really break the mood. It's either that or some event outside sports is gonna have to bring the Minnesota fan base together in a way that creates some kind of fearless belief that we can get through this.

  5. Keep it going Carter! I agree with you 💯 on everything. Too bad on ballys you don't talk this way.

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