@Flames de Calgary

[Seravelli] Les Flames n’ont pris aucune décision quant au prochain entraîneur, et il est probable que le prochain directeur général prendra cette décision, mais beaucoup au sein de l’organisation croient que l’entraîneur des Wranglers de la AHL, Mitch Love, est en tête de file.

[Seravelli] Les Flames n’ont pris aucune décision quant au prochain entraîneur, et il est probable que le prochain directeur général prendra cette décision, mais beaucoup au sein de l’organisation croient que l’entraîneur des Wranglers de la AHL, Mitch Love, est en tête de file.



  1. Iginlas_4head_Crease

    Nobody panic! It’s happening!

  2. lIlIllIlIlI

    We’ll likely have to wait for the Wranglers playoffs to end before hearing anything then, right? Still, excellent news.

  3. parolevidencerule

    What the locker room needs right now is love!!!

  4. tritongamez

    Oh thank god. Please, now we gotta lose Muller too.

  5. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    Love for coach. Conroy for GM

  6. Vinny331

    Might be an unpopular opinion but I think we shouldn’t rush into naming Mitch Love for the job. This is only his 2nd season coaching pro hockey. It wouldn’t hurt to let him get some more seasoning… especially since he’s done such a fantastic job with the farm team. Remember, if you bring Love up, you have to replace him as the coach of the Wranglers, which is probably easier said than done.

  7. SpitfireFan

    My big worry about Mitch Love is that he has no experience outside of a couple seasons where he has .932 goaltending and the best goalie in the league. If Sutter has that kind of goaltending this season we almost certainly win the Pacific.

    That said, I don’t know how many other good options exists, but I’m worried this isn’t a sure thing.

  8. nerdytendy

    Love shouldn’t be the coach. He’s undeniably been carried by Wolf and Phillips. If Sutter had a player who was top 10 (never mind top 5) in scoring and a goalie who was light years above the second best in the league, nobody would be complaining. Heck, that’s basically what happened last year and people loved him. I’ve only seen a few games but the Wranglers appear to still shoot from the perimeter and struggle to create traffic in front of the net. Love needs a season without Wolf and Phillips before we can judge him.

  9. BigDickHobbit

    Just read the Wikipedia page of this guy. Holy shit hire him or someone else will!


    I do like graduating coaches from the minors over the constant coach carousel that goes on in the NHL.

  11. iggyisgoat

    I’d be stunned if they don’t hire someone internally. We all know how cheap Edwards is. There’s no way he’s gonna go out and pay a well known coach with Sutter still on the books.

    The good news is they’ve got great choices like Huska and Love. As long as it’s not Muller.

  12. Riptide75

    Hopefully this changes the career trajectory of Matt Phillips

  13. No_Cycle5101

    Makes sense he is what year 3 or 4 now coaching the young guys

  14. GriefPB

    I heard Kypreos say on the radio this morning that he believes the Flames will be looking for a more veteran coach as our window to win is right now. I guess we will see what happens. Gerard Gallant sounds like a decent option if he becomes available.

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