@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les haineux continueront de détester…

J’ai volé ça au sous-marin Panthers



  1. Svalbard38

    Fuck, you’re right, same people. If I ever show up to a Lightning game in a Habs jersey, all of you have permission to punch me in the face without warning.

  2. OhMilla

    This is the average /r/hockey user

  3. NewTdotleafs

    I thought i was the only one who noticed that lmao wtf which team are they actually fans of? If they’re salty TB fans, then putting on Panthers jerseys just to come cheer against the leafs is really cringe. This is the equivalent of if the Leafs lost to Boston in the first round and Boston moved on to play MTL in the next round with our fans wearing MTL jerseys just to spite people in TD garden.

  4. 1columbia

    Why would people pay that money just to watch a team they hate? The fuck?

  5. NiteOwlI

    My goodness this is embarrassing.

  6. Jonesdeclectice

    Yep, some people’s favourite team is “not Toronto.” Their “team” is to root against the Leafs. I don’t quite understand what they’re fans of, it’s just weird af

  7. Altrosmo

    I’d do that for spite. I respect it.

  8. Competitive_Ad2450

    Paying all that money just to cheer against the Leafs?

    Damn. I could think of a dozen different ways to spend a few thousand dollars…but to each their own I guess.

  9. richardatn4t

    They pay premium Scotiabank arena ticket prices (plus the jerseys) to be dick heads?

    Must be nice to have that much disposable income

  10. LegendaryVenusaur

    NGL they know how to pick the best jersey versions.

  11. dannyghobo

    So they’re rich AND stupid!

    It is funny tho

  12. LinearJunebug

    Hope we make them buy 2 more pairs of jerseys.

  13. SyphiliticPlatypus

    Can’t wait to make them cry twice.

  14. TurdFerguson06

    I heard there was a season ticket holder that comes to every game and cheers against the leafs

  15. stellosartois

    how much money do you think these guys spent?

  16. lol that’s a weak move to wear a jacket so no one can see you’re wearing the jersey.

  17. TurdFerguson06

    Also, are we just not going to mention the guy behind him wearing a helmet

  18. hydroflow78

    Is it just me or does that Guy look a bit like Pat Quinn?

  19. ImpressiveCan14

    Type of person that would rather see the leafs lose than their team win.

  20. FatShackOfSit

    Lol fucking attention whores. Reminds me of when Rhianna’s favourite World Cup team was « whoever is facing the USA ». Haters just being pathetic as usual…

  21. Woullie_26

    Generational hating. I respect it tbh

  22. phoul0ne

    I know these two, they both used to be members at a country club I work at. Their only hobby is hating the leafs, sad life. Anyways, his wife left him and now I don’t have to see him anymore.

  23. redstitches

    I was on the bus with this woman on the way to the game. Unmistakable. She wasn’t wearing a jersey at the time. That’s all the information I have.

  24. Scazzz

    These losers have been to a bunch of games. Imagine having that kinda money and blowing it all being edgy and going games just to look like a prick.

    I dunno what’s worse, these morons or the typical yacht club members who make scotiabank one of the least energetic arenas in the league.

  25. luckylukiec

    Would hate to be sitting beside these losers every game trying to show off that they don’t like the leafs. Oops sorry pal I accidentally spilt my beer all over you there my bad lol

  26. MyNameWouldntFi

    Somebody find that sucker punching Rangers fan, we need a hitfan for game 2!

  27. coconutt15

    Imagine taking time out of your day and spending hundreds or thousands of dollars just out of spite. lol enjoy

  28. Battle_Glittering

    Imagine spending that much money just to hate on a group of people, and take absolute joy and jubilation watching that group of people suffer… This isn’t fandom, this is literal psychopathy…

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