@Kraken de Seattle

Comment je pense que nous nous sentons tous en ce moment

Aucune idée de qui est cet homme honnête, mais c’est mon héros de l’émission ESPN !



  1. RedWingsFan1990

    Dude looks like he just saved money on his car insurance by switching to Geicho

  2. SeattleNerdCoupl

    All the Dallas fans still shocked lol

  3. bizarrostormy90

    This man is a national treasure

  4. goducks206

    Literally shouted « He’s us! » to my wife lol

  5. fuckmybday

    I was so happy for that dude, still am.

  6. I love all the shocked and salty stars fans around him

  7. knitingTARDIStarG8er

    The glee is mutual!! 🙌🏻🐙🏒❤️‍🔥

  8. chupamichalupa

    This feel good Kraken moment is brought to you by Modelo Especial.

  9. Fit_Cranberry2867

    get that man some gear for heavens sake

  10. laberdog

    He looks like Dan Orlovski on ESPN

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