@Flames de Calgary

Je n’arrive pas à croire que je dis ça mais wow Eric Francis a vraiment mis le doigt sur la tête dans cette interview.

Je n’arrive pas à croire que je dis ça mais wow Eric Francis a vraiment mis le doigt sur la tête dans cette interview.



  1. TheGhostofJoeyMoss

    I’m a simple man; I see Eric Francis, I upvote.

  2. Melodic-Bug-9022

    I can believe it.


    Because he’s a guest and it’s not his platform so he isn’t in his shit heal know-it-all character.

    He’s a journalist that draws negative attention because it’s easier than churning out quality on a regular basis. So he plays a shit heal that draws people in by pissing them off and creating conversation that way. With social media, it is very effective because it draws clicks.

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