@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[yyzsportsmedia] Breaking: Des sources me disent que pour ceux d’entre vous qui ont pris des antiacides sur qui héberge @ OverDrive1050, vous pouvez respirer facilement et vous serez très heureux lorsque vous vous connecterez à l’émission d’aujourd’hui #sameasiteverwas #thegangisback



  1. 613toes

    This guy has been covering O-dog’s absence and reports on the Toronto sports media landscape. Seems like he’s pretty well connected so this is very encouraging!

  2. Slacker_75

    Baby back bitch Bell’s timeout is over!

  3. BrokenBy

    Awesome, Overdrive isn’t Overdrive without him. Though I am curious if it was his comments about TSN being too cheap to host a show at Maple Leaf Square that caused this absence.

  4. Beezewhacks

    Can’t tune in, did they talk about it at all?

  5. ngooner85

    Funny, cuz I can’t usually listen to the show but I heard he was on a time out or whatever and I was able to listen to the whole start of the show today. I laughed when I heard the intro. Anyway, he said don’t worry about him or his family and also stop emailing his brother.

  6. types_stuff

    I feel like I just found $50…

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