@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Aperçu du match 2 des Maple Leafs contre les Panthers: Toronto devrait-il opter pour la formation 11 et 7? | SDP

Steve Dangle, Jesse Blake et Adam Wylde discutent du succès de Matthew Tkachuk dans le match 1 contre le 4e trio des Maple Leafs et comment cela doit cesser d’être un affrontement. Ensuite, ils expliquent comment ils croient que les Maple Leafs peuvent rebondir et remporter le match 2. Visitez https://sdpn.ca pour le merchandising et plus encore. Toute opinion exprimée n’est pas un conseil, une promesse ou une suggestion qui augmente les chances de gagner. Le jeu peut créer une dépendance, veuillez jouer de manière responsable. Pour en savoir plus, visitez : https://help.sportsinteraction.com/hc/en-us/articles/216779528-Responsible-Gaming-Self-Limitation-Self-Exclusion Ou si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant un problème de jeu, appelez ConnexOntario 1 -866-531-2600. Ontario seulement. Doit avoir 19 ans ou plus pour jouer. Visitez les commanditaires de cet épisode : https://sportsinteraction.com/sdpn Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. Oddly enough I'm not nervous at all for this series. The better team will win. GLG!

  2. Hey Dangleberry are you ready to have some new segments on why the leafs lose game 2, 3 and 4 for the panthers sweep

  3. i agree going 11/7 gives them the best chance to win BUT it's way to early in the series to play that card that's a series clinching lineup for now get the lines sorted out and the match ups correct and quit dumping on gio it's brodie and mccabe that need to play better

  4. You guys going to talk about how achari was a Panther for three years and gets paid the same as cousins, and objectively is much better than cousins so they didn't need to let him go, and I think he takes it personal?

  5. Careful, the lights are trying to take over again. Sly those lights are.

  6. Here’s the thing. The acciari, o Reilly, bunting line is tough as hell, but they’re not quick enough for the Bennett, Tkachuk, cousins line. They’re gonna struggle to pin them down. If you instead go with the kampf line they’re quick enough but not strong enough and probably get out executed as well positioning wise. Sheldon’s gonna have to split the 3rd and 4th line up iI think.

    I think that line can’t be stopped, you gotta get the top 6 to outscore the cats, and hope the D can stop the Cats puck possession. (My take as a panthers fan)

  7. .responding to the "soft" problem the Leafs got bigger and slower…Panthers may be faster with more closers..

  8. This is the Florida we thought we were getting 2 years ago. Any "adjustment" is cope. Unfortunately, just enjoy the next 4 games. Panthers in 5

  9. If the panthers win this game and the leafs aren't using 11-7, I think they definitely will have to use it

  10. Leafs should be playing nylander matthews marner together. Tampa won the cup with kucherov point stamkos and Colorado won with landeskog mac rantanen. Play your best players with each other

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