@Ligue nationale de hockey





  1. olzabaali

    Wonder if Leafs fans cry about referees after tonights game again. 2 easy penalties for Panthers early on the game. Not playoff worth whistles-

  2. MrIDilkingtonn

    The passion is strong in this one

  3. Grand-Imagination925

    Fuck Toronto Florida in 5

  4. Fastsmitty47

    Damn. The Panthers want blood man

  5. SLRMaxime

    Someone about to get an indigestion

  6. DeliciousWarthog53

    When you cut this,it’s OK to cut through the pieces of pepperoni lol

  7. h0twired

    Looks about as greasy as Auston’s moustache

  8. RockyMntnHigh

    Beautiful pizza, but shouldn’t it be a pancake with that awesome maple syrup up there?

  9. CuzzinBuggin

    Throw some pads on it and put it in net

  10. Bkynd2echuther

    Nice pizza. Shitty team!! Go Oilers!

  11. Bds081

    Just throw it in the garbage. Just wait till Mathews leaves at the end of the year.

  12. HolyPastaOOF

    Local florida man fucks up a bear then stomp on a leaf

  13. Kaiserbread

    Won’t be any leftovers, it’s all done after 1 round

  14. pwilly559

    Made pizza tonight. I do it about every other week. And as a lightning fan I’m extremely disappointed I’ve never done a lightning bolt. Much easier logo to cut out. Thanks for the inspiration! I’ll practice for next season.

  15. scaredwhiteboy1

    I’ve had the displeasure of tasting pizza in Toronto. It was trash, just like their hockey team. Stick to poutine and pouting Leafs fans.

  16. MatchApprehensive816

    Not looking good for the boys in blue

  17. DeyCallMeTimmy2shoes

    I hope the pizza was good because

  18. purpleopus77

    Does your pizza taste like crow????

  19. Truthful_Azn

    Shitonto getting swept out of the 2nd round would be the most Crapple Leafs thing to do.

  20. chouchchair

    Haha. I hope the pizza tasted good…

  21. NODES2K

    I hope you ate it all like a hungry panther

  22. AesculusPavia

    The maple leafs haven’t won a single game in round 2 since 2004

  23. cupocrows

    Haha by tomorrow that pizza will be what the leafs always have been.

  24. Unholydiver919

    Can you have Grubhub deliver that to the 12th hole on the golf course.

  25. Unholydiver919

    That pizza should have 55 pepperoni on it. One for every year they haven’t won the cup.

  26. nauraug

    Pizza time? More like r/pizzacrimes am I right?

    I’ll see myself out

  27. Bug_Photographer

    Cool. Now do a golf ball.

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