@Panthers de la Floride

‘Vezina Bob’ lève la tête alors que les Leafs ont du mal à marquer sur Bobrovsky

Le directeur du dépistage de TSN, Craig Button, se joint à Jay Onrait pour discuter des Maple Leafs qui continuent d’apprendre des leçons difficiles en séries éliminatoires et de ce que Sergei Bobrovsky a accompli entre les tuyaux pour remporter son cinquième match consécutif en séries éliminatoires.


  1. That was painful to watch. Toronto was the better team but managed to grab defeat from the jaws of victory.

  2. I want Sam Bennets head on pole. What a joke. Cross check to the neck, then to the spine? 3 linesman and ref missed 2 crosschecks? F off

  3. Gonna need alot more than a new haircut to win first it was Keith's son now its Bob yeah the leafs are done

  4. I wonder if the Leafs would have beaten Tampa Bay, if the Lightning had Bobrovsky in net, instead of Vasilevsky.

  5. Watching Dubas freak out, is more entertaining than watching the Leafs play.

  6. Can you guys imagine the ratings of a Florida stars finals or a Carolina seattle final .. Jesus Christ lmao

  7. matthews could have split the d coming in at one point but opted to pass over to his right instead, i feel mcdavid wouldve gone right through

  8. bob was 39-7-3 last year he had more wins than vezina winner igor, bob had a legit case for vezina last season. He is very much still at the top of his game and this 5 game stretch is no fluke

  9. Poor Jay amd his guests are getting hung out to dry on these recent videos. It's getting uncomfortable. Can we get a cut a couple seconds earlier??

  10. 4:43 …. Answer … take it on the chin.. realize you have no leadership on your team and hope the big boss doesn't call you into his office on May 11th.

  11. Historically, NHL teams down 0-2 in a series are 51-330 overall in those series. Desperation, Perspiration, Celebration. I really admire how, the Panthers, have come out to a man, and played every shift, every period, and every game, like it was the last game they would ever play. Paul Maurice, what can you say? In one year he has his team believing.

  12. TML say they have learned a lot of lessons, but the one lesson they should learn is how a team takes their lunch buckets to the rink and can win any game. As cliché, as it is, hard work, will beat talent all day long. KISS; keep it simple stupid. The TML have built a home made trap for them selves, of over thinking, and trying to be cute, (make fancy plays). The most effective play in hockey comes from doing what you have learned instinctively.

  13. Funny how Leafs fans see mistakes, and as a Panthers fan, all I can see is how much better the cats are at the game of hockey. Let’s Go Panthers!!!!

  14. Unlike the Leafs, the hard working Panthers do not possess a detrimental Cup entitlement mentality. ✔️

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