@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Matthew Knies a une commotion cérébrale et manquera certainement les matchs 3 et 4, selon Sheldon Keefe. Il est « peu susceptible de revenir dans la série ».

Matthew Knies a une commotion cérébrale et manquera certainement les matchs 3 et 4, selon Sheldon Keefe. Il est « peu susceptible de revenir dans la série ».



  1. FutureAnybody

    Clean play though right!!!! Joke league

  2. itsdanoodle

    fuck this stupid fucking league, fuck sam bennett and FUCK GEORGE PARROS

  3. Nameless908

    Bennet better get absolutely drilled next game every chance they get. Dirty as hell play on a rookie. Coward knew exactly what he was doing and taking advantage of a kid.

  4. jrdnlv15

    I love to hear what the dumbass in the /r/hockey thread that said it looks like his injury was his leg going in to the board and not from his head being slammed in to the ice has to say now.

  5. rodimus117

    I fucking hate this clown ass league.

  6. Bart_Bandy

    The league really needs to create some kind of department for player safety or something.

  7. saulUG

    Clown league, clown commissioner, clown Parros

  8. backstreets_93

    Fuck man.

    Wonder who gets the call up?

    I don’t really think Simmonds is the answer but if we wanted things to get physical he might be the play.

  9. TheLoomingMoon

    Fuck this league is a huge joke.

  10. SynthRysing

    Sam Bennett is a stupid dumbass cunt who’s a danger to this game.

  11. irresponsibleviewer

    Don’t worry guys, it’s not like Bennett and Tkachuk are high fiving and laughing at the fact they injured someone…no chance, right?

  12. GoLeafsGoYYZ

    I went to bed last night depressed that we lost. I woke up this morning angry about what Bennett did to Knies. Now, I’m seeing red. We need our boys to retaliate and retaliate hard. And I don’t mean by laying out Bennett (although that would be fun to watch), I mean by sweeping the fuck out of this PoS sunshine state team.

    Here’s what really burns me. Most of the Florida fans I know could care less if Florida wins. This isn’t a part of their culture, it’s not a part of their identity. They just think it’s funny to see us lose. We cannot, *cannot*, let them run away with this series, especially when they’re playing this dirty, getting away with it, and walking away laughing.

    We need our team to feel as angry and motivated as we do.


    put me in keefe, i’ll elbow bennett in the head every chance i get and run bob

  14. saulUG

    Not even the NFL allows those type of plays what Bennett did to Knies

  15. toasterbath__

    so knies gets a concussion, and bennett gets nothing for it. circus league run by the biggest clowns

    im also remembering how tkachuk laughed about this too. which is just such a totally normal human reaction. given the type of person he is, he’s probably still laughing

  16. stellosartois

    Hate to say it but teams that go far have the intent to injure other players… they hack and slash their way into the finals.

  17. SDAisaleaf

    Well Florida certainly got what they wanted. Between Tkachuk’s elbow and Bennett’s MMA moves, it’s clear their plan was to give our 20 year old rookie a serious brain injury. Of course they were able to get away with it, what an absolutely terrible league. I don’t even know why I watch

  18. Arcade23

    Welcome to the league kid, fuck you and your health. Apparently.

  19. paranoiaszn

    Listen, more than anything I am concerned for his health, but I have to say this. Why did we not announce this first thing in the morning like Tampa did with Cernak to put pressure on DOPS?

    It was clear as day what Tampa was doing, and frankly, it was good media management. Not sure why we didn’t do the same.

  20. Kleese86

    I used to spend at least $2,500 a year on hockey, between Centre Ice, 2-3 games a year, and merch. I lived/died by the Leafs. I stopped about 4 years ago because I got feed up with the Leafs finally having an insanely good, fun, skilled team, get completely screwed by officiating that prevents skill from taking over. It bugged me when I would watch the Leafs, Edmonton, and other highly skilled teams getting screwed on calls, so I decided to stop wasting my money on this joke league.

    I got sucked back in this winter, bought tickets for a game, and have been following and even starting to introduce my 5 year old to the Leafs, but I am back where I was four years ago. Its a joke. What kind of league is okay with a 20 year old rookie, having a breakout playoff, now being out for at least a series? I was getting ready to empty my wallet for Game 5 and 7 tickets, but not any more (even if they make a comeback). Other sports have their warts, but none get in their own way of being fun the way the NHL does. They don’t protect their players, they don’t respect fans, and frankly, they shit on their biggest markets (Toronto/Canada generally).

    If that is the league they want to be, that’s cool, but it means I am taking my money and starting to plan a banger weekend in Montreal for F1 or for the Raps next year and going to stop worrying about whether or not my kids watch or play hockey. Its not worth it.

  21. asheeponreddit

    I said it last night and I’ll say it again, repeatedly headhunting a 20 year old kid with intent to injure is not playoff hockey, it’s sociopathic behaviour.

    Feel so bad for the kid. Fuck this league and their complete lack of giving a shit about their players.

  22. Ensuing

    Paul Maurice was coaching the Jets when they targeted Sandin and Spezza got suspended. His teams have a history of going after our young guys.

    Leafs needs to hit them where it hurts, by eliminating them. No use retaliating when DoPS is salivating over the prospect of suspending another Leaf. If the team needs any more motivation to lock in and eliminate these stretches of sloppy and uninspired play then we just don’t deserve to move on.

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