@Red Wings de Détroit

jetez un coup d’œil à ces affiches vraiment normales, pas du tout effrayantes que j’ai achetées dans un centre commercial d’antiquités !

jetez un coup d’œil à ces affiches vraiment normales, pas du tout effrayantes que j’ai achetées dans un centre commercial d’antiquités !



  1. Pabbam

    I purchased a 1997 Stanley Cup Champs « fan pack » that contained these posters and some kick ass stuff I mean, I mean, some *other* kick add stuff. These are clearly cool. Not creepy.

  2. dontcaredontcaer

    When I was a teenager my buddy’s parents had that exact Yzerman poster in their basement

  3. NormMaracleFan

    Ah, the good old days. Back when Stevie, Shanny, and Sergei were the most feared toddlers in the NHL. Shanny grew an impressive goatee for a three year old, and everyone marveled at how Stevie could play through the pain of that frostbite on his feet. Sergei was dating a one year old tennis player at the time, but we all looked past that because those little chubby legs made him fly up and down the ice.

  4. I don’t know where, but this was in my childhood somewhere.

  5. vvildymediocre

    My family had these in the 90s when I was a kid

  6. lookalive07

    I’m 99% sure I had both of these.

    Definitely weird, but also very cool.

  7. Wingedgriffen

    Nice find. I have the “Eyes on Stanley “ one framed

  8. BortWingz

    I had a couple of those! I think the other was Yzie, Lemieux, and Gretzky babies

  9. Strypes4686

    That art style was a thing in the late 90’s…. I Remember seeing one with Jordan and another one with Favre.

  10. jugglinglimes

    Haha I received the Yzerman one when I graduated high school as a gift from someone. Weird gift, but I still have it.

  11. Mimosa808

    At some point Stevie is just gonna lace up and show these boys how it’s done

  12. Mcferguson

    My dad had those when I was growing up.

  13. Basic_Ask1885

    “Kenneth Gatewood was so inspired by Steve Yzerman going bar down, that he decided to lower the bar for art and the age of consent, in one magical piece.

    $319.09 Williams-Saskatoon

  14. TJSimpson10

    I picked up the Yzerman one at a garage sale for $3.00 once. I was a poor college student home for the summer but you bet your ass I got it.

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