@Maple Leafs de Toronto

2 buts rapides pour les Leafs dans le match 2!

Alexander Kerfoot et Ryan O’Reilly ont chacun marqué un peu plus de 5 minutes dans le match 2, donnant aux Maple Leafs une avance de 2-0 sur les Panthers tôt.


  1. Toronto is going to get swept this series. They don't belong in round two. They're only here because of a lucky bounce off a skate in overtime.

  2. Wow did the look leafs look dead in LA set two periods….looks like the Panthers adjusted to their game pretty quick….that a deadly asset folks.

  3. And the Panther got two quicker goals early in the 2nd and end up winning, 3-2 to go up 2-0 in the series. So much for all the Leaf Lovers claiming Toronto in 5. Leafs can't even win with all the PP's they're getting.

  4. Omg… i had to turn this game off with 6 min left in the 3rd. Just such a bummer.

  5. Waited 19 years for them to get out 1st round and now they cant even take advantage of it down 2-0 now also 1-4 at home in playoffs looks,like we have to wait another 19 years to get past 2nd round😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  6. My internet provider went down tonight. Back online looking for the game highlights after hearing Leafs lost 3-2. Wtf happened?

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