@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Johnston : Vous pouviez sentir le poids de tout ce qui était soulevé d’eux

Chris Johnston se joint à Mark Masters pour donner son avis sur la victoire des Leafs sur le Lightning, ce que la première victoire de la série depuis 2004 signifie pour les joueurs et la direction, pourquoi ce groupe a réussi à surmonter la bosse et ce que cela signifie pour l’équipe avance.


  1. Now the outcome of tonight game between Boston and Florida can really decide if the Leafs can go to the final.

  2. Leafs won because they were the better team. The curse nonsense was made up by the local toronto hockey media.

  3. JT has very good hockey sense in and around the net man….he's very clutch. Yes it was a bounce but most players would've passed and not make that move . If the Leafs end up playing Bos he too seems to have their number..scored some big goals against them in the past. Should be a good one….So estatic … we don't have to watch another game 7 man! Lets go!!!!! I smell a cup run!

  4. I'm so happy for the Leafs and Leaf fans…. Honestly, it's a miracle Leafs won this series. Tampa outplayed for a majority of the series. I think Tampa is the toughest hurdle for them though. Bring on Bruins or Panthers.

  5. Can’t wait to see the Toronto media talk about how extremely terrible the Leafs are and how much they deserve to die once they lose one game in the 2 round

  6. This is why the next series will be even more exciting! They don’t have to listen to all the “what if they blow the lead again ? .. out of first round again?” Nonsense

  7. I was 10 when they last won the Cup, I was 47 in 2004 when they last won a series . Long over due, Heart Determination Hard Work and finally a bounce went their way . Now the fun begins .
    Congratulations you have earned your way onto the 2nd round of the playoffs .

  8. The cup is through Boston unfortunately and the leafs have big demons with the bruins also …

  9. 2:24 whoever said that is spot on🔥

    Now that the weight of getting past the 1st round has been lifted, all these guys are going to play much more looser and feel so much more comfortable and play with a ton of confidence and swagger. They know what it takes to win a round now. They all are really aware it gets harder the deeper they go into the playoffs. Don’t be surprised if this team goes all the way to possibly the cup finals. They have the talent, grit, skill, and experience to get the job done and completely pummel the opposing team. They definitely showed it in round 1, now in round 2 it’s probably going to be that x10!

    If I’m Boston or Florida, I’d be worried to go up against a confident and hungry leafs team. These men want it bad. GO LEAFS GO 💪🏻😤

  10. Leafs have warriors in the locker room that they didn't have before. It starts with adding a Stanley cup champ in ROR and the 2x Stanley cup champ in Luke Schenn. Acciari has been a huge add and same with McCabe

  11. seeing jake muzzin waiting for the team and celebrating with auston near the locker room was heartwarming.

  12. I’m glad the leafs won,it gets harder in the second round,but I feel the leafs has what it takes to go further,

  13. Mark masters has such a local news anchor vibe lol, he has the quintessential anchor cadence

  14. Would love a clip of Mitch running out to yell with the leftover leaf fans in the arena, that sounds awesome.

  15. My favorite Leaf of the series was definately Luke Schenn, just his poise with the puck really surprised me & allowing Reilly to play his game was refreshing to see

  16. Well duh… when all your top guys are making over 7mill something has to give or questions will constantly be asked.

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