@Rangers de New York

Selon Brooks / NYP, les Rangers et Gallant ont convenu de se séparer

Selon Brooks / NYP, les Rangers et Gallant ont convenu de se séparer



  1. jthomas694

    Makes sense. You can’t make zero PP adjustments and blow a 2-0 lead and keep your job

  2. runninhillbilly

    Pretty much had to happen but I’m not convinced the replacement will do any better with this group.

  3. MachoTaco24

    Drury needs to finesse a good coach, one with an actual system

  4. 5cotland


    Gallant’s record has been phenomenal with NYR but unfortunately couldn’t adjust play styles when it mattered most which was badly exposed this year.

    I wish him the best going forward.

  5. yeyeman9

    Everyone get in here!

    Edit: Except Gallant. He gone now

  6. MarsHotelSouth

    I mean this was obviously coming. Guarantee Drury conducted some meetings with players and that was the end of it. Trouba’s reaction to being asked about him the other day said it all

    ETA please just bring in someone with an actual system and preferably a history of winning cups. We have a great team but we just need to get over that hump.

  7. padds98

    Let’s hope the grass is greener. Never any guarantees

  8. WiFi_Sniper

    Had to be done even if it all doesn’t completely fall on him

  9. flaamed

    He had to go, but whoever we hire will be the new scapegoat

  10. 616photography

    ‪I wonder if Drury cleans house, apart from Allaire?‬

  11. AdmirableTarget

    That guy who made the post was right and i thank him

  12. poker_idiot

    Hey u/agilby92 get in here lmao

    Everyone peep his comment history for reference

  13. DRyan98

    I lost any respect for Gallant after he said that they fought hard in game 5. Gimme a break. Torts woulda ripped them a new asshole.


    I think it is the right thing to do, at the same time i am very worried to see who replaces him

  15. jeanzus

    None of this matters if they don’t replace him with someone good.

  16. n_jacat

    Expected and for the best, but man I hope there’s somebody out there that can actually fill this role well and make the most of a championship window that’s slamming shut

  17. PeteyG89

    It wasnt just the playoffs, despite the point total and a middle of the season hot streak, the Rangers too wayyyyy too many periods off, and looked disjointed many others. After the collapse to NJ, despite them being better all year, should have never happened. He had to go.

  18. LemonHayes13

    Fuck it, Gimme Knoblauch or Valiquette

  19. KingJames_684

    Lol hey that guy was right earlier

  20. VT_Forever

    Had to happen. Gallant will be successful somewhere else, but this job was just over his head.

    Hope the Rangers can get someone who can quickly adapt in a series and take advantage of obvious weaknesses like a rookie goalie.

  21. feedmekombucha

    Guys, I’m scared for the future.

  22. that_tall_fella

    If you fuckers don’t promote Kris….

  23. blu3shirt

    I’m surprised. I figured he would get to start the season but would be on a very short leash and let go if we had a slow start.

    Here comes the speculation on who’s up next. Laviolette?

  24. NoFlags-JoeBuck

    Need to get someone who can elevate our 5v5. I refuse to believe that this roster is THAT bad on 5v5, and it was that way throughout Gallant’s whole career.

  25. NSNSprite

    I can understand why, but genuinely don’t know who could step in and match/do better (Brunette, maybe) in this current coaching market.

    I hope we don’t regret this choice this time next year. Let’s see what happens. LGR.

  26. AIC_333

    Good. Now we have to figure out what this team actually does and get a coach who can help guide them. Right now our identity is let our goalie get run over and pray he stops everything. Not exactly a winning recipe.

  27. padds98

    Laf and kaapo being on their third coach in 4 and 5 years is less than ideal

  28. Only thing that matters now is if this organization can learn from its mistakes. Either hire a veteran coach who’s legitimately succeeded elsewhere, with a system fit for the modern NHL (Sullivan/Brunette), or bring in an assistant/former AHL coach with a similar track record who is also coming in with a full on strategy for how the team wants to play, and an ability to adjust. A coach that leverages analytics and knows which players will truly gel

    Do not dip into the well yet again with another coach off the carousel of veteran coaches that keep failing elsewhere but « maybe it will be different here ». No Dave Tippett or Guy Boucher or Bruce Boudreau or Paul MacLean or other coaches like that.

    Gimme either Sullivan or Brunette and if it’s not one of them, then any of Vellucci/Carvel/Leaman/Varady. Modernize this organization already for god’s sake

  29. gnitsuj

    Oh good I can’t wait for a new coach and the same result next year

  30. Nyrfan303

    He got outcoached, but I would’ve given him one more year. It isn’t his fault that Mika and Bread were absolute dogshit. I mean, did anyone really think we were gonna win the cup within the first two years out of the rebuild. I certainly didn’t. Anyway, what’s done is done, I just hope we get the right guy. Better not be Sutter or Quenneville.

  31. VALIS666

    > Gallant fell on the sword after seeming to jab at the Rangers’ roster makeup following the loss to New Jersey, saying in his postgame briefing, “Talent doesn’t mean a thing. … I love to have talent, but you love to have work ethic and more forecheck and stuff like that.”

    Well, he’s right.

    Rangers better have a gem lined up to replace him because coaches that bring teams to back to back 107+ point seasons aren’t very common.

    Bringing in some first timer or low experience coach to deal with this roster would be hilarious to watch if it wasn’t my team.

  32. spaideyv

    Idk why so many people want to hire Quenneville, I don’t care if he’s the greatest coach alive, dude should never be reinstated, he can go to hell

  33. adsason

    I’ll reserve judgement until I see who the new coach is. I definitely understand the move, but I don’t think it was 100% necessary.

  34. TernoftheArctic

    Not a fan of this. Not that I think he’s amazing. But he’s better than a lot of coaches out there

  35. LilMissLinNim

    This *had* to happen. Remember what Vally said: « This team is *not* a team right now. They’re a collection of individuals. » And he’s right. The core of this team hasn’t won a damn thing, collectively. That said, bringing in essentially secondary guys at this point from Cup winning teams and hoping it « rubs off » isn’t the answer.

    Kakko was right. He and other young guys were being left to die on the vine. They weren’t allowed to reach their full potential, cause GG is a *hands off* coach. That’s *NOT* what this team needs. This team needs a *hands on* coach, so they can adhere to a system and a game plan. That way, they can develop an *IDENTITY* as a team. This way, other teams can dread coming to MSG and be annoyed to play the Rangers, because the Rangers play this or that style of hockey that’s a pita to play against. They don’t have that, and haven’t had that under GG.

    Now, you can validly say that players are to blame, which they are. But it’s up to Drury to watch these series right now – especially the CAR/NJD series and see how and why the Canes are handling them so easily. And part of that is because the Canes have the *speed*, *toughness* and *snarl* that matches up much better. He should then look at this roster and find *creative* ways to address these needs, from top to bottom. Otherwise, it’ll be more of the same shit, no matter who’s behind the bench.

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