@Oilers d'Edmonton

The Cult of Hockey « Draisaitl marque quatre buts, Oil perd toujours. Hein !? » podcast

Faisons cela! Le balado Cult of Hockey. Par les fidèles et pour les fidèles, ce soir avec Bruce McCurdy et David Staples. Ils creusent dans la défaite 6-4 d’Edmonton contre le Golden Knight de Las Vegas.


  1. This looked like the first game last series. Defenceman were scrambling and not making their passes. Looked tight.

  2. Thank you both for your honesty. Totally enthralled with your episode. Pointing out so much that many have missed. Look forward to your next broadcast.

  3. The guys should be embarrassed. 3 days to prepare, all out the window in 10 minutes or less.

  4. Oilers coaching staff had better get busy with this team. Yikes! Gotta find a way out of their own end without giving Las Vegas scoring chances.

  5. -taking the 4 day beach vacation in LA right before this may not have been a good idea? for next yr it seems coaches may need to focus a bit less on being social/friends… and put more focus on insisting/demanding on positions.. like knowing that they must make covering the guy in front of goalie a priority where to be so others know where the players will be. A tough game & fantastic play by Leon… as well as effort by McD, (but little space). McLeod/Kane etc keep missing.

  6. have they forgotten, how well they played defensively at the end of the season ?
    i saw only headless chicken and no, i don'T want to give the VGK credit…

  7. Bruce's closing comments very good but likely incorrect about coaches taking players to task. has been needed for several years & they are obviously not being 'taken to task' & likely not even talked to. priority seems to be on being positive and happy feelings. Hope they had a good vacation in LA. Let's hope a few guys can get going; Nuge Hyman Kane etc

  8. This is what I was talking about. Oiler firepower vs a team with better all around team defense. Way to many blatant mistakes to have any decent chance. Needless brain cramps, loss of aggressive but controlled determination. Off the mark passing abounded. Connor might want to consider the idea "Skate a bit less, shoot a bit more", and watch those backpass's to a turnover. It's happened a number of times so far this playoffs. Ekholm was awesome. Just excellent. Dria to "obviously" heh. Skinner has yet to play 1 game in his career as good as either Kostinen or Smith did at their A game, but I'm not blaming him at all for this loss. Not even the Oilers Super Offense is good enough to recover from several players making series errors, so they are going to have to tighten up and play smarter with more shots on net. 🏒As I see it Lol.

  9. Statistics for Edmonton Oilers at Vegas Golden Knights May 3rd, 2023

    Game 1 Second Round Oilers 4, VGK 6
    Again these are base stats provided for an informational foundation. They aren't the detailed stats the Cult of Hockey accumulates.

    Draisaitl 4 Goal (2 on PP) (yet he didn't get a star though none of the chosen ones had more than 2 goals)

    McDavid 2 Primary Assists (1 on PP)

    Hyman 2 Primary Assists (1 on PP)

    Bouchard 2 Secondary Assists (1 on PP)

    Ekholm 2 Secondary Assists

    Skinner 28 / 33 .848 Save %age (he was let out to try like laundry way too many times)

    Three Stars (Sportsnet): Barbashev, Stephenson, Stone (all from VGK, take a wild guess who picked the stars) on Sportsnet

    Oilers VGK

    Shots on Goal 27 34

    Hits 46 27

    Faceoffs Won 32 30

    Power Play 2/3 2/4

    Giveaways 10 8

    Takeaways 7 18

    Blocked Shots 10 23

    Player TOI PP TOI: PK TOI: SOG +/- PIM Hits Blocks GVA TKA

    Bouchard 22:44 4:37 0:29 2 1 0 0 1 0 1

    Nurse 21:18 0:11 3:09 7 -2 0 6 1 0 0

    Ekholm 20:30 0:11 2:01 1 2 0 3 0 1 0

    Ceci 19:24 —- 1:35 1 -2 0 4 1 0 0

    Kulak 13:08 —- 1:33 0 -1 2 0 1 0 1

    Broberg 9:40 —- 0:07 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

    Desharnais 8:18 —- 2:03 0 -2 0 0 0 0 0

    Draisaitl 24:04 3:08 0:01 5 1 0 3 0 0 1

    McDavid 24:01 3:11 0:29 4 1 0 3 1 3 2

    Hyman 23:27 3:06 —- 2 1 2 6 0 1 0

    Nuge 20:18 3:02 1:51 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0

    Kane 18:39 0:11 0:29 1 -2 2 5 1 0 1

    Yamamoto 15:15 —- 1:31 0 -2 0 2 2 0 0

    Bjugstad 14:02 —- 1:10 2 -1 2 5 1 0 1

    McLeod 13:20 0:09 1:31 0 -1 0 3 0 1 0

    Foegele 12:48 0:11 —- 0 -1 0 2 0 2 0

    Kostin 9:47 —- —- 1 -1 0 2 0 1 0

    Janmark 4:02 —- 0:40 1 0 0 1 0 0 0

    Faceoffs Won Lost Percent

    Draisaitl 10 6 62.5

    Bjugstad 9 6 600

    McLeod 5 6 45.5

    Nuge 4 4 50.0

    McDavid 4 8 333

    First game of the series. Oilers were poor defensively. Leon scored 4 goals and 4 other players had assists. The PP went 2 for 3. PK only stopped 2 of 4. Biggest base stat differences are hits (Oilers 46 vs VGK 27), Takeaways (Oilers 7, VGK 18) and Blocked Shots (Oilers 10, VGK 23). Huge differences on Takeaways and Blocked Shots are big indicators to me statistically of the results of this game. Too many missed assignments, too many men left alone out front, gaps weren't kept, it wasn't pretty and it wasn't all Skinner's fault (in fact most of it wasn't Skinner's fault, he wasn't lights out but he wasn't bad either). Connor isn't playing the way Connor can. Lateral movement and blowing by guys doesn't happen nearly as much if at all. He's still good and still plays (I mean he had two primary assists tonight) but he's not playing the way we all know he can. Janmark had to go off in his first game back after being boarded. No Ryan this game and, in my opinion, he was missed. Many players were "invisible" until they weren't and they weren't mostly in a bad way. Take care all.

  10. There's Nooooo """I"""" in Team…This game really really really hurt. We cant afford this Des player out there, reminds me of Bear, and that's Baaaad.

  11. 7 first game losses in a row …. did I hear that right. Wow. Never seem to want to make it easier on themselves.

  12. Vinni D is not the only one who shot pucks into shin pads. Mcdavid should get a bad thing as well. Poor passing, out of sinc , however it's one game they will be there in the next one. One last thing where were the high priced forwards?

  13. Desharnais is a Rookie. Playoffs is another level. I feel like he's getting overwhelmed and panicking. Resulting in key mistakes that is no doubt rattling his confidence. He needs a night in the pressbox to see he has more time and space than he thinks.
    Think it's time to go back to 12-6.

  14. Desharnais was sleeping, he had no effort on the one goal behind the net along the boards.

  15. The lack of self-discipline coupled with below average defensive play which often led to the taking of totally avoidable penalties, played a major role in the Oiler's loss of this game. This was especially true near the end of the game when the Oil had a "brain fart" by taking a "too many men on the ice" penalty which largely negated any chance of tying this game. However, on the brighter side, Leon Draisaitl achieved a stupendous output by scoring 4 goals in a playoff game which is a rarity in today's NHL. And finally, we should keep in mind that this was only one game and that the Oil have more than enough power to win this series.

  16. Defensive chaos. Oilers defence was discombobulated. And they certainly looked like they had no exit strategy; moving the puck out of their zone was a major struggle.

  17. Here is why the Oilers can lose the series…over reliance on 2 players…everyone including ESPN blow up the Oilers, McDavis and Drai as worlds best, defense fixed, PP is unstoppable…no one talks about what Vegas did…with super stars it makes the rest of the team observers and that is why everyone else is effectual…Vegas has 4 solid lines and why should VGK Media brag about the Oilers

  18. How can you expect a different result when you keep doing the same things and making the same mistakes? With all those high IQ hockey Players the Oilers should already be waiting for their SC Rings to be delivered huh?

  19. VGK Media! Lol wtf pretty much the icing on the shit cake for this game! Game two can’t come quick enough but now we have to wait 3 bloody days to flush this turd, The NHL is without a doubt the worst run professional league on the planet! Gary Bettman sucks, it’s inexcusable he needs to go.

  20. Dave/ Bruce, why not try Nemo and sit Vinny? Whenever Oil need a penalty kill, they can send out Nemo, and whenever they need offense, they can send out Broberg. Hes big and he hits too! He has done well before, they should try it!

  21. Way to leave Leon out to dry, that was a poop of game to watch defensively. Leon’s shoulder and back are getting sore from carrying this team on his back. Vinny d needs to stop doing these kind of mistakes. Yes skinner is doing good, but he’s letting a lot of goals in … im curious if we see Campbell I don’t know… I feel Jack would bring some playoff experience that skinner does not have.
    Let’s hope for much better game 2!

  22. RNH is not playing poorly, but he's not stepping up. they seem to panic and shoot the puck into nowhere instead of holding it or passing it. Blind passes are killing us. We have Game two

  23. Hockey is a team sport. It takes a team to win. The fact is the better team won last night.

  24. I wonder if draisaitl might of been dead tired in this game. Gotta help him out smh. I’d have given him an 8 at least. Now skinner, would have gotten a 4 from me.

  25. Everything was brutal in the first 30 minutes except for the PP. Skinner made some incredible saves but when do we get a solid 60 minutes? In every game these playoffs he has had shaky stretches…the problem is I still don't have any faith in Jack despite his one game heroics. Nuge and Hyman both look slow, McD trying to be solo highlight reel the entire night. Just a really strange night for the group and they will be better! There are lots of Bakersfield bodies here now perhaps it's time for some new blood!

  26. Need to go 12f, 6d next game. Put in Holloway if he's healthy, and sit Vinny D.

  27. Drai is playing his butt off mistakes and all. But he is trying hard, being vocal, being annoyed at his team mates. As for Skinner, steal a game goalie. You need your goalie to steal a game. With the way the Oilers are structured you need an athletic goalie. Skinner is a blocking style, system goalie. He is not a hybrid goalie which is needed with our defensive woes. Campbell is more hybrid style and fish out of water like how Mike Smith was. Nuge has gone Swayze…where is this guy? Desharnais vs top 6 is a horrible bad experiment. He can't keep it up night after night.

  28. ive been looking for some oilers commentary all morning from people who actually make sense. most people are discrediting the knights and discrediting the game saying "we just need to play better" as if the oilers are by far the better team in every metric.

    thank you for giving voice to reason.

    the knights 4th line was easily shutting down mcdavid and draisitl when they were moonlighting their own 4th line. the only time the duo was effective was when they were together. well thats a problem. now you are a 1 line team against a 4 line team. does edmonton think they can win this series with only 1 line? if not, they are going to need to figure something out.

    this might be the first time in months that the oilers need to actually pay attention to who they are playing against. most games its "we are by far the better team, we will win so long as we play our game". i dont think thats a winning strategy in this series because i dont think they are "by far the better team".

  29. Oilers 6th and 7th defensemen are killing them in these playoffs. I don’t want to come across as an asshole as I know these guys are doing their best..but it’s just true. Broberg and desharnais are struggling hard and it’s costing us!

  30. I think McDavid needs to settle down a little. At times, it looks like he is trying to single handedly overwhelm the VGK defence. Even though can do it McDavid, I think that's a low probability strategy and he needs to utilize his wingers.

  31. Stauffer called overlooking Draisaitl as a star of the game "bush league", but it's less mature than that, it's being plain childish, as in pre-school.

    Especially in a game that was won by a one-goal difference + 1EN…still a very competitive game!

  32. Darnell has to play good old fashioned defense!!! Brobergs skating ability along with his size & strength makes him a defenseman we cannot do without!!!✌😊

  33. Darnell & Leon gave away goal # 2!!! Oilers couldn't have done more to make Vegas feel superior if they wanted to!!!🤮😥😠

  34. Holloway or even Lavoie could bring a huge boost of energy, speed size and toughness!!!

  35. Bruce is right, the US teams, especially the new- non traditional market teams are pathetic homers. The Americanizeation of our game sucks.

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