@Kraken de Seattle

Réaction en direct des fans de Seattle Kraken aux dernières secondes du match 7 WIN!

Réaction en direct des fans de Seattle Kraken à leur bouleversement des champions en titre, l’Avalanche du Colorado, lors du match 7 du premier tour !


  1. Great win for the Kraken! First playoff series win but surely won't be the last! Go Kraken!!! What a night, the Bruins go down in Game 7 and the Kraken win in Game 7!

  2. Lets go Cheap Seats! We got to watch history tonight and I’m so happy we won ! 🦑 let’s go Kraken !

  3. This is REALLY good for hockey..Boston gone, Tampa gone, Colorado gone. FINALLY some different match-ups..Although…we don't know about Rangers-Devils yet..

  4. Amazing game, and a Amazing performance by Gru 🦑 ⚓️ That's Kraken hockey baby!!!

  5. What the flip?
    There are real kraken fans?
    These things exist

  6. Your team deserves a lot of credit…but you stole that 1 tonight. Refs just swallowed their whistles completely both ways-which in a vacuum favored you. And the hockey gods pissed all over the Avs all season-most injured deffending champ in 3 decades this season,& kept it up this series. Your staff deserves credit for the offside challenges,but your players just flat out dodged 2 bullets. Unlike 2021 with Vegas-I dont think we lost to a better team,but that happens more often in hockey-see Florida & Boston. And it doesnt matter-hockey like life isnt fair. I think youll get killed by a far more healthy Dallas-but the Kraken have a bright future,& earned their shot. You took advantage of getting most the breaks-some teams fail to capitalize on breaks..Grubauer somehow got good again.

    You guys were missing Burky,& McCann-& thats no small losses.But thats not remotely what we dealt with.Landeskog,& Nuke are All star caliber,2 way guys-arguably our 2 best 2 way,& most physical forwards. Manson is undoubtably our most physical dman. Helm,& Cogliano on ice are above average bottom 6ers,& key PK guys. Those 4 forwards might all be top 5 deffensive forwards for us.(Lehkonen is the other) And leadershipwise-Helm,& Cogliano out mean we essentially were missing 3 captains with Landy. Mcann,& Burky were big losses,but dont forget Burky won a cup with us. We know how valuable he is-but also know his warts,& weaknesses. Hes has a terrific shot,& is a good playmaker with Cup experience,& is a leader. But his game is also a bit soft,(physically-not mentally)not very good deffensively,& tends to be wildly hot or cold consistencywise. Landeskog,& Nichuskin were the 2 best overall players that missed the series. M cCann,& Burky next. If those 2 miss the Dallas series-your task becomes even tougher. Dallas has had a totally charmed season injurywise-except Pavelski recently,& hes supposed to be back.Thats not Seattles fault,problem,or something you should appologize for. Thats just hockey,& life. But dont prove your unsophistication as a fan base-by acting like missing basically 2 All stars,a very good deffensive dman,& 2 above average bottom 6 guys-with inmeasurable intangables out the ass-somehow isnt a big deal-thats all.

    Something else not your fault or problem is that clown we have running "player dicipline." Parros was a thug when he played,& hes a piece of shit at his job-proven years before this series. 1st of all-I said at the time-I thought Makar deserved 1 game-I had ZERO issue with it. Having said that-the fact Eberle was in game 7 is borderline criminal. Not by him-I dont think hes dirty or meant to break Cogs neck. But fact is he skated 20 feet & boarded him-only seeing his back numbers-its an inexcusable play,& far more dangerous/malicious than Makars. If any Seattle fan cant see that,& cant concede obvious points-like I did on Makar-you are either a shameless homer or dont know the game…maybe both. My problem with player safety isnt some bs conspiracy against us-they do a fucking awful,inconsistent job EVERY YEAR-that literally puts players safety on all teams in jeopardy,& protects thugs like Parros was. I dont know if theres a dirrect connection,or if he just sucks at his job,& Bettman doesnt care. In this situation-neither Makar nor Eberle are remotely thugs-but both made bad decisions-only 1 had to own up to.

    Bottom line-more than 1 thing can be true at same time. The better team didnt win,but the more consistent,& deserving team in the series probably did…although not tonight-you deserved to lose tonight-but thats hockey. Seattle has a bright future,& this will accelerate your progression. Beniers is gonna be special-& your PK got some breaks-but most of those were either in game 6-which we won anyways,or in the fact tonight-they just let everything go both ways-right when our PP had seemingly found itself. But the Kraken did a great job,& we let Grubauer get confidence,by not making him do enough early in the series. And he was great in games 6,& 7…but also a bit lucky. You have NOTHING to appologize for,(except the Eberle hit-intentional or not-HE FRACTURED HIS FUCKING NECK,& was clearly an irresponsible play/decision) I wish you luck next round-I think youll need it

    But dont get it twisted fools-while you werent at 100%-you got an extremely compromised Av team-beat up by a beyond ridiculously unfair reg season,& missing most of our physicality,& much of our leadership. We traded for Manson,cuz on a blueline full of elite puckmovers-physicality was the 1 weakness-the best blueline in the nhl had. We arent as good as last yr at 100%. The team you saw still has elite talent,& championship resilience-but was a shell of 2022-1 of the greatest cap era teams ever. Congrars on your win,but its 1 series guys. When/if-you hang a banner or 3-then youll be at that level. Upsetting a badly compromised team by basically 1 flukely goal-that really had no business getting anywhere near 109pts cuz of injuries is still impressive,but hardly worthy of a parade. Its a nice accomplishment where the hockey gods were looking out for ya-thats it. It will help the young Kraken imeasurably in future playoff runs-like our upset of Calgary in 2019 did for us. And I was surprised with the poise Seattle showed most this series. I come away impressed with your team,but still suspicious Grubauer will turn back into his real self next round. But nhl history is full of goalies who overachieve for a series or 2. And upsets-cuz injuries unfortunately are a huge part of it. You had a few key ones no doubt. But among contenders-only Carolina remotely had a similar level to us this yr. Not as many for them-but 3 of your 5 or 6 best guys out for the year is pretty damn tough also,& I suspect that catches up to them round 2. Kraken are clearly better than WPG,& NYI and made us pay for our injuries,& mistakes…something NYI couldnt quite do to Carolina. But thats life-you move on-we try to heal up,& assume our injury luck has to improve next yr.Unfortunately refs,& "player dicipline dudes who were dirty players when they played"-NEVER have to publicly answer for their "mistakes."

    But-I went to a parade-less than 11 months ago,& could soon go to another for my Nugs,& as a Ball arena employee. I suspect this Av core will get me to another 1 or more before our window closes. But win or lose this series-I knew it wasnt happening this yr-"next man up" is great to a point. But still a cliche,& can only be achieved to a certain degree.

  7. As a stars fan this makes me happy I love the krakens jerseys and energy hoping for a good series

  8. As a Canadian, it looks like this might be the year for one of our teams but I wouldn't exclude Seattle or Florida after what we saw yesterday

  9. Avs die hard here. CONGRATS! Holy hell what a team you guys have! Heres to round 2, I cant wait cause they have no idea what is coming for them lol… After seeing these games there is NO reason the Kraken cannot go DEEP! GL boys its an honor!

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