@Jets de Winnipeg

Aperçu de la saison morte des Jets de Winnipeg 2023 avec Ken Wiebe – grandes décisions sur les joueurs clés

Ken Wiebe de Sportsnet.ca s’est joint à Andrew Hustler Paterson et a discuté des grandes décisions à venir pour les Jets de Winnipeg impliquant Connor Hellebuyck, Blake Wheeler et Mark Scheifele cette prochaine saison morte, car ils sont tous à un an du libre arbitre sans restriction. Diffusé à l’origine le 5 mai 2023. Sujets : Réaction à la conférence de presse de fin de saison de Kevin Cheveldayoff (0:00) Réaction à l’entrevue de fin de saison de Connor Hellebuyck (5:05) L’avenir de Blake Wheeler avec les Jets de Winnipeg (10:10) Mark Scheifele avenir avec les Jets de Winnipeg (16:58) Winnipeg Sports Talk Liens : Spotify : https://spoti.fi/3bboDpa​​ Apple Podcasts : https://apple.co/30nIf3v​​ Site Web : http://www. winnipegsportstalk.com Discord : https://discord.gg/eZxKeEZdsb Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/sportstalkwpg​​ Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/sportstalkwpg​​ Instagram : http:// www.instagram.com/sportstalkwpg​ TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@sportstalkwpg Store : http://store.winnipegsportstalk.com Newsletter : http://eepurl.com/hP4CBP Devenez membre de notre chaîne ici : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEqYcU4IEXvfWt0vtGA_Cww/join


  1. Good show. Enjoyed the Ken Wiebe segment and the article he wrote as well. If Helly wants a cup I think Detroit would be a good destination. Stevie Y is building something special over there and they should be a contender in 2-3 years. Helly could be the missing ingredient they need to bring it all together. Unfortunately I'm sorry to say I think his talents are wasted here and that's a shame. In Stevie Y I have faith that he is on a mission to build another cup-winning team.

  2. I think trading Dubois is the best, Teams have already been interested too. Maybe get Domi at 2C/3C with Lowry?
    Trying to upgrade the D would be good too.

  3. Just FIRE CHEVY HE'S had12 years to make sonething happen oh wait well at least in 2018 we went deep in playoffs….oh wait it was the coaches….nope Re Maurice and Lowry still in playoffs…..yrs he has been a mediocre GM we've had to deal good players a Great GM retains players that want to play for him(Chevy)

  4. I'm hoping Chevy gets shown the door. We don't need his (lack) of direction any longer.
    We cannot 'run this back' again. Definition of insanity

  5. Am I the only guy in Winnipeg that wouldn't miss any of these guys?

  6. 10 is tough at the goaltender position. Looking at the playoffs right now and seeing only Dallas having top level goaltending.

  7. it is so inspiring to watch teams with "pushback" like FLA, SEA, OILERS and Vegas. When watching the Jets PP, it looked like they tried hard to score from the outside rather than get in the goalies face. They were afraid to fight for the goal. Players like Ehlers, Schiefele, Schmidt, Pionk, Wheeler, need to go. Let Perfetti, Lambert, Heinola step up. Do not rebuild. Get "pushback" players! Look at how the Oilers did it! They got Ehkholm, Kane, Hyman, Bjugstad. Bigger! Tougher!

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