@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Go Leafs Go depuis la plage de Pompano

Quelqu’un d’autre va au match de ce soir ? Faites-moi savoir si quelqu’un veut se retrouver pour un verre d’avant-match !



  1. RealitySlave

    This better not be a Sam Bennett troll job! lol…get loud in there so I can here you!!

  2. Neighburhood

    Yessir! Riverview, FL checking in

  3. Mean_Appearance9068

    Hey dude, I’m in Fort lauderdale

  4. jokeswagon

    Are you wearing socks with sandals? Just checking.

  5. jdh1979jdh

    You have to wear that hat to the game!

  6. Big_Solution_1065

    I sent to a buddy who is in FLA for the game! GLG!

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