@Golden Knights de Vegas

Ce sont des gens comme ça qui me font parfois détester être un fan des Golden Knights sur les réseaux sociaux.

Ce sont des gens comme ça qui me font parfois détester être un fan des Golden Knights sur les réseaux sociaux.



  1. frickthebreh

    I’m not sure I believe this post is real…I’ve seen nothing but the utmost classiness from other fans since yesterday’s game /s.

    EDIT: I know it’s real! Reiterating the “/s”

  2. Carnotaurus54

    If it makes you feel any better, that guy got torn apart from both sides. Still pretty fucking shitty

  3. RunninRebs90

    Hey man, if they get their kicks from making jokes about people dying then that’s on them. I can’t worry myself with pathetic people like that.

  4. Patty_Lank

    Koskidaddy is a known troll and all he does is shitpost to make everyone mad, just block him

  5. Prfctcellrulz

    That’s the Twitter user I warned about in the PGT last night. If anything of his ever comes up in your timeline just flag & block him like I did.

  6. AlbertaNorth1

    Oilers fan lurking here. Sorry for this douche on behalf of the fan base. Shit talking is part of any sport but making light of things like this is just trashy.

  7. holy666diver

    What a piece of shit. One of the worst mass shootings in US history is not a joking matter.

  8. Nevada-Explorer

    Welcome to the internet/social media….

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