@Lightning de Tampa Bay


Parfois, tu dois faire attention à ce que tu souhaites. ils ont scandé « WE WANT FLORIDA ». Le récit était que les fans des Leafs voulaient le moindre adversaire des Panthers. Et ils les ont eus ! Après que les Panthers aient vaincu les Bruins en 7, c’était maintenant aux Panthers de la 17e place. Mais après avoir perdu les 2 premiers matchs à domicile à Toronto, les choses ne se sont pas déroulées comme prévu. En direction du sud vers la Floride lors du troisième match d’aujourd’hui, la situation n’a fait qu’empirer lorsque le gardien partant Ilya Samsonov a quitté le match après que Luke Schenn s’est glissé dans son propre gardien, le blessant. Un endroit difficile à vivre et alors que Woll est entré et a bien fait, les Leafs n’avaient tout simplement pas l’air bien dans ce match, donc tout est bouclé avec les chants « We Want Florida »… Boston aurait-il été le meilleur match? Je couvre cela dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #hockey #nhl #highlights #nhlplayoffs #torontomapleleafs #floridapanthers


  1. Listened to sportsnet after show and they said they don’t think Florida is a good team. What a joke.

  2. Well said and the hardest thing seeing if the leafs lose this series to Florida it will be sad to see. Especially considering this is the 30 th anniversary of that incredible leaf team starring Doug Gilmour was the best team since they last won the cup. I would even put that 93 leaf team against this year team and I bet 93 leaf would win a best of 7 game series against this year leaf team.

  3. Canadian here, To all Panthers fans out there, the rest of Canada thanks you! God Speed and GL the rest of the way!

  4. People don’t understand how good the Panthers defense is. The only way the Bruins score on them was on the power-play.

  5. The only reason the Leafs beat Tampa was because Tampa was a very tired, old and injured hockey club.
    Florida is not any of the above. They are last year's Presidents Trophy winner with one huge addition, Matthew Tkachuk.

  6. Tkachuk making it to the Finals would make so many salty 💀

  7. Really hate this narrative about we want florida becasue they were also saying we want boston as well. But hey I guess it makes for a funny story.

  8. If Toronto gets to the second round but doesn't win a game, does it count?

  9. Leafs fans made the same mistake dallas fans did when they were wanting their next opponent to be st louis in the playoffs

    we all know how poorly that went for dallas

  10. As a leafs fan…im not sure i can stick with this team anymore. This is the furthest I've ever seen them, and they just…don't want to win. Sure therr has been a lot of posts and close calls, yes officisting has been an issue…but the good teams get it done.

    Marner turning it over in his own end has cost 5 goals this playoff run already. They don't hit, no one stands up for eachother (Bennet should have been forcelly removed from the ice for what happened with knies), and they STILL dont know how to play D. Havent deserved to win any of these games.

  11. the hockey gods are hilarious, finally let toronto through to the 2nd round after like 100 years of failures and then they lose in a sweep lmfao!!

  12. Leafs fans should've been chanting "we want a high school hockey team," maybe it would've been a closer game.

  13. Yeah the Leafs are going to get swept, this is hilarious. Good riddance

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