@Ligue nationale de hockey





  1. The team wasn’t profitable, owner sold the team, new owners relocated to Winnipeg.

  2. Hollandmarch76

    I agree that’s a great logo but so is the Jets current logo and the 90’s one as well.

  3. John__47

    does any kind of birds has hands

  4. thewatt96

    Because the team, players (minus Kovalchuk) arena, marketing, broadcasting, jerseys, colour scheme, sales, and mascot we all DOGSHIT.

  5. ComprehensiveAlps652

    They already have a suck ass football team.

  6. NYC_1Ts

    I’m not a fan of this logo. It’s too busy and the colors are awkward/unusual.

  7. GrannyMac81

    Still active logo for the Winnipeg Thrashers rep program.

  8. Area51Anon

    It was but most people think it looks like a clay pot lol

  9. Its_All_Gee

    To be honest, looks like a minor league logo

  10. smilecrocodile1

    Eh…take out the hockey stick and it just looks like a logo of a search engine or some software company lol.

  11. realinvalidname

    So how long until the Thrashers are retro/classic enough that you can get merch again? It’s nuts that I can buy a Hartford Whalers or Quebec Nordiques jersey from the league’s official store, but for Thrashers merch the only option is Etsy/Redbubble trademark violation city.

  12. random_closet_weeb

    holy shit

    this is the first time i’ve ever seen a mention of the jets here and it’s “WHY DO THE JETS EXIST WHEN WE COULDVE HAD THIS LOGO ALONG WITH A DYSFUNCTIONAL FRANCHISE???”

  13. quickandcocky

    Because it wouldn’t make sense for Winnipeg since the Thrasher is Georgia’s state bird.

  14. Deathface-Shukhov

    So….full disclosure…this is the first time I looked close enough to realize that logo is a bird and not a tornado with a hockey stick!!

  15. Sdwingnut

    Maybe they’ll get another shot in a few years when the Coyotes leave Phoenix for the same reasons.

  16. MindLongjumping6392

    Disagree. Respectfully. Not a fan of the name or logo.

  17. Fafaflunkie

    Because you were in Atlanta, not Phoenix, and thus Gary Bettman didn’t give a shit about your team moving to another Canadian city. Maybe if you were able to grow cacti in the Peachtree state, you may have had a chance to keep the Thrashers there. Alas, they flew the coop.

  18. GrandpaMofo

    Because nobody cares about hockey in Atlanta.

  19. Impossible_Syrup_150

    I always thought it looked like a cup of coffee or something was being stirred.

  20. GrandpaMofo

    It was tried in two different decades and failed both times.
    Leave it be.

  21. EvetsYenoham

    This logo sucks. Sorry bud.

  22. Clear-Television-217

    Ilya in those baby blues 🔥

  23. Joemamacita

    Atlanta Spirit, the Thrashers and Hawks owners, hated hockey and took on the Thrashers as a package deal with the Hawks. Thrashers actually outdrew the Hawks in their final season. Kasim Reed, the Atlanta mayor, could have worked to keep the team in town, but didn’t give a shit and said as much publicly. Bettman was too busy keeping the Coyotes out of Hamilton and had the Canadian media up his ass about being an anti-Canadian Commissioner. All of those factors contributed to the Thrashers being sold and moved. Atlanta could support an NHL franchise, but probably doesn’t get another chance.

  24. mattcojo2

    Branding wasn’t that good. Jerseys were ass.

    Two tone blue 🤮, asymmetrical, couldn’t get much worse.

  25. GroupieChicks

    The Thrashers had some dope jerseys

  26. synthetic9

    Because the hockey market in Atlanta was trash at that time and they were a terrible team. Great jerseys and logo tho for sure

  27. zwaymire

    Can’t be that great. As a little kid, I literally thought it was a woven basket with a hockey stick in it 😂

  28. Hopfit46

    It was changed because the fans in winnepeg would not have any other name but the jets

  29. ShogunAshoka

    Because that was the extent of their badassery while there.

  30. They lost their arena and didn’t have a place to play. Ownership didn’t want them, and Winnipeg had an arena ownership group aswell as a high Canadian dollar at the time. Don’t get me wrong as a canes fan, I see thus as the what could’ve been, but Winnipeg and Quebec deserve a team.

  31. poolsidecentral

    Winnipeg did Atlanta a solid. Jets 1.0 and 2.0 logos are superior.

  32. HeisenbergsSon

    What is the reason for the jets name?

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