@Panthers de la Floride

Récapitulatif du troisième match entre les Maple Leafs et les Panthers

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  1. Leafs look like a long way away from ever reaching finals…lucky to beat Tampa with all their injuries to blue line….blown out by FL and good luck ever against Carolina or NJ…

  2. Sounded like there were a lot of people singing the Canadian national anthem so probably more Leafs fans there than he seems to think.

  3. Florida video coach must be a genius. Its like they got all the leafs passing lanes figured out

  4. I am not trolling the leafs.. however
    This is what happens when 4 guys in a team made up of 20+ players makes more than half of the payroll and do not + can not perform
    We have been saying this for years. This is not a one-time thing
    As long as leafs have the CORE …this will not change
    Their defense is average at best and keefe put the HOLL on the ice again
    Leafs in a nutshell is a 4 or 5 men team and when those highest players disappear, they dont win. Simply put, does not have the depth
    In the 1st round, their deficiencies were masked because they were up against a very depleted, Overworked ans tired Tampa Team.
    I hate to say it.. not saying this out of spite,
    This is as good as they will get with players they have.
    I was hoping they would prove me wrong but once again, my feeling was right about them
    Marner, Nylander, Mathews and Tavares nucleus simply can not deliver. I have accepted this as the reality

  5. the hockey gods are hilarious, finally let toronto through to the 2nd round after like 100 years of failures and then they lose in a sweep lmfao!!

  6. I completely underestimated the Cats. I thought it would be a close series, but I stand corrected! They look scary good. Getting hot at the right time. I loved when Shannon compares them to the 2012 Kings. I had a similar feeling after watching this game. I’m liking how unpredictable these playoffs have been. 😮‍💨

  7. What i feel gets a bit overlooked with Florida is that they literally won presidents trophy last year and majority of roster are still there + arguably improved on it with Tkachuk deal.
    So while the win over Boston was an upset, I dont see it as a "historical choke" by Boston as many say (I get why ppl Think so of Boston ofc).
    And while its hilarious to see them possibly sweep Leafs, they are a really nightmare matchup for any team compared to most wild card teams since whenever the division system got introduced for NHL.
    As a depressed wings fan during this time of the year I found myself cheering for Florida to win cause they kinda got disrespected a bit everyone saying that Boston would have no issue to brush the Panthers off and some of the leafs fan chanting the we want Florida 😁
    Also watchin Tkachuk this year is pretty special , didnt see this level of play from him just 1 year back.
    A non licking version of Marchand but better 👌

  8. Matthew Tkachuk: $80 million
    Sergei Bobrovsky: $70 million
    Leaf fans shouting "We want Florida": PRICELESS
    For everything else Leafs oriented there's Disaster Turd

  9. Will it take as many years for Leafs to pass level 2 as it took for them to pass level 1?

  10. To all the non canadian nhl fans ,the reason why the rest of canada absolutely hate the leafs because all the broadcasting (cbc, sportsnet, etc.) in canada is completly leafs focused. It's so annoying. we tune in to see nhl highlights only to be bombarded with leafs talk and highlights for like 90% of the broadcast. torontonians think they are the center of the universe.

    Florida in 4, and the leafs still won't have a win in the second round for decades lmfao!!

  11. I am somewhat torn. I like that Leaf's finally got to second round. Didn't expect them to get sweeped like it now looks. Poor Steve.😢
    As a Finnish I should be on Panthers side since they have Luostarinen.
    But I cheer Carolina rather and try to keep spirit up for Leaf's for next game.

  12. Sorry for your loss man, thanks for keeping the videos going. Go panthers!!

  13. If Toronto get swept it kind of negates winning a series. And adds another trauma to the Leafs already overstuffed baggage. 🤔

  14. @thehockeyguy Just so you are aware, that "We Want Florida" chant video was intentionally cut short. There were both we want Boston and we want Florida chants going back and forth.

  15. The Leafs big 4 are really disappointing. In an absolute must win game, with overtime, Marner and Matthews only played 21 mins, Tavares and Nylander were less than 20 mins. You pay them to carry you, and they were non factors in this game.

  16. You are absolutely right. This Panthers team is really starting to feel like the 2012 Kings. They look unstoppable right now.

  17. Look. Marner is always Terrible in huge games. Toronto were lucky vs Tampa and haven’t won a second round game in 20 years.

  18. Leaf Fans real quiet……right now. Bye bye Toronto! The Lightning should have beaten you anyways 😂

  19. The Leafs of period 1 of game 2 would sweep this series, they controlled play, dominated offensively, threw the body around and made Florida look like a minor league team. I don't know what was said during that intermission or why they immediately stopped playing like this and never returned to it I can't imagine it but since that period they've played some of the worst hockey I've ever seen. They've been lucky the games have been as close as they are. They can't complete a pass to save their lives, I saw more turnovers tonight than in a full 82 game season, if the Leafs didn't give the puck away Florida would never see it, lucky for them the Leafs hand it over relentlessy. If the team just threw the puck away at random it would land on a Panther stick less often. I saw maybe one bodycheck worth mentioning, they fiddle with the puck when they do have it instead of shooting. And through all of this I see a head coach just hanging out making scrunchy faces on the bench. No adjustments, no yelling, no timeouts, no message sending benchings nothing. This team is loaded with championship talent they show it here and there and that's what makes games like this totally unforgiveable. One of the most embarassing losses I've ever seen the entire team and organization should be ashamed of themselves, they are handing this series to Florida this. Hopefully the silver lining is they finally figure out that the entire management needed to be gutted years ago and they finally fire Shanahan, Dubas and Keefe.

  20. A lot of great stories.

    "FlOrIdA gOt FlEeCeD"


    "4-0 LEAFS"

    "4-1 LEAFS"

    "4-2 LEAFS"


  21. The main reason Toronto has struggled against Florida is because no-one is getting in front of Bobrovsky and taking his eyes away. If he can see it, he stops it. I don't know if they're afraid to get in there but it's not looking very good for them.

  22. Leafs went from not winning a first round series since 2004. To not winning a second round series since 2002

  23. It's fans like you that keep me from becoming mean or sarcastic. As a Florida fan from the team's inception, I have to say I'm as stunned as anyone that the Panthers are this hot at this moment. Our regular season was dumpy. It was so bad, I avoided watching midway thru the season. Anyways, as a hockey fan, i say to you, better luck to you guys in 2024.

  24. Florida gives Montreal vibes from couple years ago.

    3-1 down first series comeback to win.

    Montreal swept second round, florida bout to sweep second round.

    Both teams had a goalie who was getting paid over 10m who underperformed throughout the season but balled out when needed

    Both teams were massive underdogs, the leafs laughed at both of them and were happy to face them.

  25. I kind of noticed Brendan Shanahan has been awfully quiet. The architect of this team. *Crickets*. What happened to the Shanaplan?

  26. Hey, isn't Verhaeghe an ex-Leaf? Islanders came back from 3-0 in one of my early hockey watching years. Vs. Pittsburgh. Then came back from 3-0 down the next series vs. Philadelphia, to tie it 3-3, but lost game 7. Hope they don't blame the Leafs goalie for the OT goal. He was looking the wrong way, but the puck only got to where it was behind the net because 3 Leafs defenders just waved at the Florida guy as he broke into the zone. Bad D.

  27. So the Leafs were a part of the biggest choke job in NHL history only to promptly choke out of the next round…barring an incredible miracle.

  28. Just a thought. Sammy did have a solid 1st stopping 8/8 but then start of the 2nd he had that unfortunate injury from a collision from his teammate. It might have been the turning point in the game. Woll played admirably, but the lack of NHL experience showed. And the team played too poorly at times to win this game. But I have to wonder what could have happened had Sammy stayed in the game?

  29. "We want Florida!" will be a great Panthers shirt.

    The Leafs will Leaf.

  30. The thing thats wrong with Mermer is that squishy thing in his skull. Guy is mentally weak when it comes time for the playoffs, doesnt want to get hit and makes poor decisions every playoff series he plays in. Might need to find some iron balls for the guy or the Lafs should ship him out.

  31. Florida learned how to play desperate hockey even with a series lead. This entire playoffs has been chaos and I'm loving every minute of it.

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