@Hurricanes de la Caroline

[NHL Player Safety] Tomas Tatar du New Jersey a été condamné à une amende de 5 000 $, le maximum autorisé en vertu de la CBA, pour haut bâton contre Sebastian Aho de la Caroline.

[NHL Player Safety] Tomas Tatar du New Jersey a été condamné à une amende de 5 000 $, le maximum autorisé en vertu de la CBA, pour haut bâton contre Sebastian Aho de la Caroline.



  1. Some of the people in those comments are unhinged. Easily could’ve been a 1 game suspension and they’re acting like Aho cross checked this man’s soul out of his body

  2. memeisgreat

    i don’t necessarily think it should’ve been a suspension, but what is the point of fining these players 5 grand when they earn millions? it does absolutely nothing, either they should start being more harsh with suspensions, or increase the maximum allowable fine. there needs to be heavier consequences with this stuff, a wrong move, and somebodies life is changed forever, while the offender gets a slap on the wrist.

  3. blinker1eighty2

    Setting the precedent that you can tomahawk whack a guy in the back of the head as long as you pay what’s equivalent to $50 for someone who makes $45k is certainly a choice.

  4. fogent94

    It’s laughable that $5K is the max fine. Tatar makes $4.5 million a year with his NJ contract. That’s $55,000 per game (regular season). You think this dude gives a flying fuck about $5K? Max fines need to go up by 20x minimum in my opinion

  5. TheMarbledRye

    I think this punishment is fine considering the circumstances. Not worth a suspension to me and if you look at the words « maximum allowable under the CBA » then it’s fine. Should the maximum fine be higher? Absolutely, but nothing to do about that now.

  6. Drizzlecat

    That wasn’t even the worst high stick Aho got in the game. I know the first one was accidental, and don’t expect any supplemental action on it. It still strikes me as funny (odd) though.

    Woulda liked a double minor too. I’m starting to like Rod’s suggestion on officiating more every day. Let the refs review almost anything, just keep the reviews short.

  7. PiedmontMan

    Absolute BS that all he gets is a fine.

  8. sftwareguy

    Any intentional head shot should be a multi game suspension up to and thru the rest of the season. Do that in public and you get arrested for felony assault.

  9. RingRingBananaPwn

    On a personal level, I enjoy anything bad that happens to Tomas Tatar.

  10. suburbexpat336

    If the punishment is a fine, it’s only a punishment for someone that can’t pay it.

    And all players can pay it.

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