@Capitals de Washington

Nous avons perdu un vrai fan aujourd’hui.

Après 14 saisons, nous avons dû dire au revoir à notre vieille fille. Elle espérait voir Ovi battre le record – mais a vu les 82 rondelles tomber lors de sa dernière saison.



  1. bluehairjungle

    I’m sorry for your loss. She was a real cutie.

  2. right-sized

    Sorry for your loss! Looks like a real good doggo. All dogs go to heaven, but we all know there’s a special place for Caps pups.

  3. gastrotraveler

    Aw I’m sorry, I’m sure she and you both treasured those 14 years together.

  4. letters2nora

    What a sweet looking pup. Sorry for your loss.

  5. Usmcginger0621

    I’m sorry for you loss. You have my deepest condolences, I jas lost my 13 year old black lab to a tumor last week. He had a stroke at 2 in the morning.

  6. Gnarbubs

    Oh man Shih Tzus are such awesome dogs, said goodbye to mine almost 3 years ago now and it still kinda stings. They always take a piece of you with them. You have my condolences ❤️.

  7. Snowwpea3

    Dogs dying is the worst part of life. I never cried as hard as when we had to put my childhood dog down. They are so much more innocent than any human could be. True friends. Sorry.

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