@Panthers de la Floride

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À ce stade, IDK indique le titre du message. Aucune suggestion?



  1. _ladylucks

    How about the two many men in the ice missed call? The missed blatant tripping call?
    The holding?
    The two missed icings?

  2. undernocondition

    Keefe, habitual cry baby, cries again to deflect blame.

  3. Neo-Neo

    Found a better photo of him


  4. ImGrumps

    The man knows if they get swept they are leaving him in Florida. I would try to deflect as well.

  5. Mindless-Ad9757

    He looks 10 years younger and 40 pounds lighter in the picture. I am sure he thinks it’s the Panthers fault somehow his goalie got hurt. What about the no call on the goalie trip?

  6. osocinco

    The leafs goalie going out of his way to extend his left leg to trip Bennett after the play is already behind him, plus the player who was also tripping Bennett at the same time with a poorly positioned stick. An insane no call.

  7. kingdom9214

    They also missed the two crosschecks from Bunting on Cousins & Montour. Plus the goalie trip on Bennett and too many men in the 3rd.

  8. iKauf_13

    Man Soon-To-Be-Fired Blames Regulators For His Mismanagement

  9. PurifiedVenom

    Meh, we bitched about the reffing too. It’s just what coaches do to try and get calls. No one remembers the missed calls after a few weeks, they just remember who won & that’s all that matters

  10. aaamarlins2022

    The Leafs are hitting the Panthers high as much as possible. The cross check Montour took to the face from Bunting was really ugly. First, he gets the butt end followed by the cross check and for good measure the slash from Bunting as he was pulling away from Montour.

  11. khildebrand98

    Lmao they said the same shit last round it’s just them admitting they don’t know how to stop Florida

  12. siadh0392

    Impressive job of deflecting the fact that his own team SHOULD have been better too

  13. Spiritual-Tadpole998

    Geez. I hope our boys finish things off Wednesday. Tired of their fanbase and now their coach cry

  14. chiphappened

    **After all the “bluster” & bravado” Leaf fans had prior to this series? I say Cats fans Take the High Road on this one.
    We got 9 more wins ahead Let’s stay focused**

  15. Saveforblood

    Keefe is part of the reason the stars can’t get their shit together. He’s got no backbone and the boys crumble like a smashed cookie. And I love it

    Whip their asses seabasses (bolts fan here)

  16. HufokkinTonite

    Are you kidding me? The Leafs didn’t work hard enough to draw penalties.

  17. Puzzleheaded_Fix3135

    In the leafs defense there were a ton of missed calls on leaf players vs their own goalies.

  18. Mindless-Ad9757

    I copied this post/picture off of twitter. Someone said it wasn’t true so I apologize if that’s the case. Even if he didn’t say it, I am sure he was thinking it:) He has previously said things like that this post season but not sure if he did say it after game 3 loss.

  19. Ballsahoy72

    Big baby says, “Whaaaa, whaaaa, whaaaa”

  20. Independent-Wolf-832

    Same crying they did against the Lightning. Bright side is only one more game until they go away again for another couple decades.

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