@Devils du New Jersey

Entretiens d’entraînement le 8 mai avant le match 4 contre les cannes

0:00 – Meier 3:30 – Severson 7:49 – Smith 11:19 – Vanecek 12:33 – Ruff


  1. I want the devils to keep sevo but besides dougie and graves I wouldn't want to lose anybody on this d-core. Seigs, marino, luke, nemec, bahl, and sevo is the best top 6 for this team.

  2. Sevo speaking with probably the most confidence ive seen in him, these playoffs have helped him quite a bit. Been far more solid than usual, glad hes stepped his game up.

  3. Come on guys! I've got faith in you beating the Hurricanes. No matter what happens though, I'm very proud of what you guys have accomplished this season. Lets go Devils!!!!

  4. All those calling for Lindy's scalp after challenging games need to stfu – he's a good prescence for this young team and he's proved it with most of his roster moves leading to winning results

  5. Gonna be at the Game today, LGDDDD!!! 😈🖤🔥🔥 PLEASE 🙏🏻 GET A WIN FOR ME & tie this series up 2-2 for me heading back to Carolina, GOOOO DEVILS!!!

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