@Ligue nationale de hockey

Le pauvre gars voulait juste boire un verre

Le pauvre gars voulait juste boire un verre



  1. yaba01

    As soon as I saw this moment I knew it was going to become a meme. Well done OP

  2. GoDan_Autocorrect

    « TO INFINITY AND…. Hold up… Bit parched… »

  3. princefamblypaper

    He looks like Joan Cusack at the water fountain in Sixteen Candles

  4. Both_Fold6488

    Lol, we love you so much Miro!

  5. VauloftheEbonBlade

    Somebody please get this man a straw. PLEASE

  6. free_mustacherides

    The head shake of defeat is the best

  7. Kaleidoscope365

    Thats tough. Playoff hockey warrior in action!!

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